Chapter Ten: Travelling to new worlds (Deep Jungle - Sixth World)

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 They were sealing the worlds' "Keyholes" along the way to protect them from being consumed by the Heartless, but also making new friends in the worlds and defeating the enemies. In each and every one of them, Darcey's powers in the light side of the force and with the keyblade have been getting stronger. She enjoyed being with her new friends, especially Cloud, Hercules, Dumbo, Timothy Pete, Elliot the dragon and Pacha. She didn't like Kuzco at first meeting, but they came on better terms and became friends. They've sent the supplies to their gummiship, along with the puppies. At the end of the world, they found gummy blocks and summoning gems including finding the lost puppies. So far, they've found fifty-one puppies, twelve in Wonderland, Pachyderm Parade, Passamaquoddy, Kuzco's Empire and three in Olympus Coliseum. Donald did some tests on her, about her abilities but the results were unknown. While Darcey was piloting the Gummi Ship to the next world, after leaving Kuzco's Empire. They hover over the world and see that it's a Deep Jungle. A thought just came to Goofy, thinking King Mickey could be on that world "Hey, Donald, maybe King Mickey's down there." Jiminy suggested, "Perhaps, this world is worth exploring to find King Mickey, Darcey's friends and her mother." Donald disagreed with both of them "In a backwater place like that? No way! Let's move on. There are other worlds, better than this one!". Darcey argued and agreed with Goofy and Jiminy "Hold on. Amanda and Raiden might be down there. Who knows? Maybe my Mum too. Like Jiminy said 'worth exploring'. Let's just check it out." Donald still disagree, as he and Darcey started an argument "Forget it! We're on an important mission!" Darcey yelled "Just land!". Donald yelled back "No!". Darcey yelled "Yes!". Darcey and Donald fought over the controls of the ship, wondering whether to land or not. Donald yelled "Aw, phooey!" Darcey yelled "We're landing!" The ship starts to shake and descend towards the next world. Donald yelled "Don't touch that! Nooo!" The ship hurtles toward the world and Darcey and Jiminy falls out of it into a large treehouse, crashing through the roof.

She sits on the floor, rubbing her head. Darcey said " head...Jiminy are u okay?" Jiminy leaped onto her shoulder, rubbing his head. "I'm fine, I know how eager you are to find your mother and friends. But is it necessary, to have a fight with Donald" Jiminy said with a serious look in his face. Darcey signed and nodded to him, and knew she needed to apologise to Donald about crashing the ship. Then she looked around for Donald and Goofy. "Donald? Goofy?" As she called for them. However, she and Jiminy were being watched by a very dangerous predator. Out of the rafters a claw appears. Darcey looks up in time to see a leopard pouncing in his direction. Darcey leaps up and blocks with her Keyblade. She jumps back as the leopard lands on the wooden floor and knocks Darcey away. The leopard roars and tries to claw at her, but she slides away and strikes with her Keyblade, sending it flying across the room. By doing a Force Push with her palm. After a tough struggle, it lies on the floor, tricking Darcey into coming closer. Suddenly, it leaps up and roars as someone enters through a hole in the ceiling. He spins around the rafters and leaps to the floor. As the leopard pounces at Darcey, the man blocks its bite with a spear. The leopard struggles wildly, its jaws clamped around the spear. The man knocks it back, glaring at it, and it snarls before leaping out a window, sending shards of glass flying everywhere. The wild man puts away his spear and addresses Darcey. He has long brown dreadlocks and wears a loincloth over his toned body. He stands low, his knuckles touching the ground like a gorilla. The jungle man told her, who that Leopard was that attacked her and Jiminy. "Sabor, danger." He explained to them. "Um...Thank you." Darcey said. "Yeah, that was quite a save." Jiminy stated. "Thank you." The jungle man replied slowly, "Thank you." "Huh? Uh, what is this place?" Darcey wondered. The man moves closer to them, awkwardly invading their personal space, "This place, this place." Darcey and Jiminy turned to each other in confusion before turning to the man. Darcey replied, "Okaaay... Where did the others go?" She gets no response from the jungle man.

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