Chapter Twenty-Two: Halloween Town, Battle with Brotherhood of Mutants

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 While they were in Oceans in between, Darcey was giving her report to Ezekiel "Black Manta escaped, but thankfully Mera sent King Shark back to Barry's and Oliver's world." Darcey reported on the video communicator. "That's great Darce. Just got word from Barry, old sharky's back in ARGUS with tighter security. So tight that it will be challenging for me to break." Ezekiel told her. "Don't get any funny ideas Ezekiel, someday you'll might break into the wrong vault." Jiminy pointed out, as he hopped onto Darcey's shoulder. "Relax I'm just kidding, I only break into banks not bio labs, cause I don't want the world to be infected by a supernatural zombie virus." Ezekiel told them. "Jones! Jenkins needs you for an emergency! Attendance is mandatory!" Jacob yelled for him. "Take a chill pill Stone! I'm just chatting to Darcey." Ezekiel yelled in the background. "Oh well tell her I said hi to her and her team." Jacob yelled back. "Sorry kiddo I gotta go, another library mission." Ezekiel told Darcey. "That's ok, say hi back to the team for me. Watch out for DOSA they could be ruthless than that evil Egyptian God Apep, you guys told me. From what I've learnt about from Egyptian mythology, as the demon of chaos he's wants to finish what he started." Darcey said. "We will, good luck." Ezekiel smiled, as they ended the call and joined the others in the cockpit.

The team arrived the next new world, called "Halloween Town". Since it was a Halloween-theme world it was appropriate to blend in. Darcey was dressed as a vampire-witch, Donald was dressed as a mummy, Goofy dressed as a Frankestien's monster and Jiminy was dressed as a bat. "This sure is a spooky place. I'll bet the people are scary-lookin' too." Goofy pointed out. "Don't worry. We look spooky too. If they scare us, we'll scare them right back! " Donald reassured him. "You think so?" Goofy asked. "Don't worry Goofy, lets make a a good impression on the scary folk and not judge them, just because they're different" Darcey told Goofy. "Good point Darcey" Jiminy said in his bat form, but struggled to fly. "If you don't want to fly Jiminy, you can rest on our shoulders." Darcey said. "Thanks Darce" Jiminy said, as he flew onto Goofy's hat. As they started exploring the town and headed off to Guillotine Square, where they saw smoke, fought off some of the heartless off. But then they've noticed several Heartless was immobile. They've witnessed the Mayor of Halloweentown giving an announcement to a rehearsal. The Mayor is rather short, especially when compared to Jack. His head is cone-shaped and displays the two faces he is most notable for. One face (as well as his hands) is peach-colored, with rosy cheeks, a spiral eye, a black eye, and a mouth set in a permanent smile. The other face is bone-white, has a mouth set in a permanent frown (the teeth of which are pointed) with blue lips and pink eyes. There is a seam of some sort around the mouths of both faces because in the claymation for the movie, the mouths were replaceable to make the mayor talk. His top hat is gigantic, being the same height as the Mayor himself, but very thin. The Mayor's body is also cone-shaped, with his body ballooning outward before ending on short, stubby legs with very tiny feet. He dresses in a black suit with a white undershirt and black-and-white pinstriped pants. He wears a pendant or bow-tie shaped like a black widow spider, though it only has six legs and the notorious red hourglass marking is on the spider's back and is much more detailed than in real life. There is a red ribbon with the word "MAYOR" printed on a white center pinned to the left breast of his blazer. He is never seen without his short, metal megaphone that he uses to issue orders, announcements, and, more often, call for help from Jack. "And now, allow me to introduce the master of terror, the king of nightmares—Jack Skellington!" Mayor introduced Jack Skellington as the heartless presented arms, Jack Skellington raised from a green water fountain and did a scary pose. There were several halloween-town citizens witnessing the rehearsal, but gave mild claps as it wasn't terrifying enough. So they decided to leave Jack and the Mayor to consult some improvements.

Jack Skellington also known as the "Pumpkin King", he is a tall and extremely slender white skeleton with a skull sporting a cross-stitch mouth and bony fingers. He sports a black-and-white, pinstripe formal tuxedo with a bat-themed bowtie. "Bravo, Jack! Bravo! Those ghosts will be a big hit at this year's Halloween!" The Mayor said while praising Jack of his performance. "Thank you, thank you! But their movement still needs work. It's not scary

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