Chapter Twenty: Invasion Part 3 (Battle against the Dominators)

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Previously on Invasion.

The Dominator's ship crashes in downtown Central City where Barry found it. Lyla comes to Star Labs and tells the team who the aliens are. "Since we learned of them, we've been calling them the Dominators."Said Lyla. She told them to say out of it but of course they didn't listen."You can't do this alone."Said Iris."I don't plan to."Said Barry. Then they get Teams Arrow, Team Light and Legends for help...."Guys, thanks for coming."Said Barry....And another friend from another earth."Everybody, this is our friend, Kara Danvers, or, as she's known on her Earth, Supergirl. Here is Darcey Skywalker the new keybalde wielder, her team Captain Goofy Goof, Magician Donald Duck and loyal conscience Jiminy Cricket." Said Barry. Then Barry confesses to everyone about changing the timeline."I went back in time to change the timeline. It's called Flashpoint, and now things here are different than before I left."Said Barry. He changed his friends lives even changing Diggle's kid From Baby Sara to Baby John."You just erased a daughter from my life?"Said Diggle. Cisco was still mad at Barry for not saving his brother and which was caused by Flashpoint. He took out on Donald, who hid behind Felicity. "He took it upon himself to change the timeline, and, because of it, my brother was killed. There's no amount of feeling bad that could ever make up for that."Said Cisco. Professor Stein is have memories of a woman,he has no clue who it is. But feels like he knows her. "I'm having memories of a stranger, but she's not really a stranger."Said Stein. "What if, when you interacted with your younger self in 1987, you..."Said Jax. "Inadvertently changed my past."Said Stein. Then he goes back home and finds the woman there."You're back! [She hugs him.]Oh, it's so good to see you."She Said. But she turned out not to be a stranger,but his daughter."I love you, Dad."She Said. After most of the team had been mind controlled by the dominators,they know that they did not come in peace. "Call Lyla. Tell her these Dominators aren't here peacefully."Said Oliver. Then the dominators kidnapped Oliver, Darcey, Sara,Diggle,Thea and Ray on purpose to get information."Maybe they didn't choose us at random. Maybe they chose us because we couldn't fight back."Said Ray. "Because none of you are metahumans."Said Nate. "But why would they choose Darcey? She's not a metahuman." Thea asked, as she put her hand on Darcey's shoulder. "They were trying to find the location of my father. They've realised I'm Jedi Master Luke Skywalker's daughter, that I wield the keyblade and that I'm a threat. My guess is that they were at war with the Jedi and the Keyblade masters before I was born." Darcey realised why they took her."What is their plan?"Asked Oliver. To figure out what their plan was they first had to translate a phrase that Ray heard them say. "The phrase loosely translates to, "We are nearing completion of the weapon."Said Gideon. The Dominators were now heading to earth...All of them.

And Now Our Story Begins Here.....

Central City 2016

Oliver, Darcey and his team return to the Star Labs hangar after dropping Thea off. "I can't believe that you guys escaped an alien spaceship. Key words: alien spaceship. I have questions."Said Cisco. Donald, Goofy and Jiminy hugged Darcey tightly in relief, "Darce!" They cried out in happiness. "Boy are we so glad you're alive!" Goofy exclaimed. "We thought they were gonna mind-control you like they did to our friends." Jiminy exclaimed, as he hopped on her shoulder. "I thought we were gonna lose you again!" Donald cried out in sadness. Darcey patted their backs and said "Boys, I'm fine they did try to hurt me. But after what they were doing to Oliver and the gang.". Once they let go of hugging her, they turned to Nate and said "Thanks Nate." Nate smiled at them, giving them side hugs and said "Don't mention it." Then Oliver cleared his throat and said "They can wait." He turns to face Nate and said "Thanks for helping me get my sister home."."Yeah, man."Said Nate. They walked over to the others."What's our status?"Asked Oliver."Gawsh Nothing, since the Dominators paid their little visit to mess with our heads. Using us a puppets to attack you guys." Said Goofy."Why would they do that?"Asked Nate."What if they were trying to pit us against each other, in order to gain intel about meta-humans?"Said Ray."Man, I wish they would just send us an IM with a questionnaire."Said Felicity."Well, metas, jedi and Keyblade bearers pose the biggest threat to their invasion. It would make sense they'd want to get to know their enemies."Said Kara."By kidnapping people. Perhaps they were searching your minds for potential meta-human vulnerabilities."Said Stein. "But they took Darcey to use her to find her father." Ray pointed out. "Exactly, maybe they thought I might know where he is. For now, lets teach those beasts a lesson." Said Darcey. Oliver looked at Darcey and was having the exact same idea.

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