Chapter Thirty-Four: Musical Trio

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 While the quintet were on their way back from Merlin's house. Faith sniffed the air and sensed something was wrong, "What's wrong with Faith?" Goofy asked, everyone else took notice. "Faith? What's wrong girl you smell something? Is it a heartless? a stormtrooper? Other bad guys?" Darcey asked her dragon. Suddenly a portal appear right in front of them the Music Meister appears right in front of them. Faith got the caught the scent and growled at him in a threatening manner, while defending her rider and friends. They summoned their weapons on him "Stay back! Or I'll knock your block off buster!" Darcey yelled, as she and her friends pointed their weapons at him deafeningly. Faith roared at him. "Even better, Faith will roast you alive!" Jiminy yelled at him. The Music Meister laughed at her and asked "Buster? Tough talk Darcey Skywalker, you too Jiminy Cricket. Think your pet dragon 'Faith' can roast me alive? Or your pals Donald Duck, Goofy Goof beat me?". They were confused of what he meant and how he knows their names. "How do know our names? You're probably some thug that the First Order hired." Goofy snapped at him, while glaring at him. "Fire away Faith!" Donald yelled, Faith took a deep breath and fired a powerful white fire blast at him. But to their shock he blew the fire away using Kara's super breath. "You're gonna have to do that better than that, Nice keyblade, mind if I have a go at it?". Before they could start their next attack, Yuffie, Anakin, Kaz, Tam, Twitchy, Neeku, Bucket, BB8 and Leon appeared behind him. "Look out!" Anakin yelled at them. But they were too late, Darcey ran up to him. He grabs her shoulder and looks in her eyes. Then suddenly the Music Meister whammies Darcey making her asleep. "No!" Anakin cried in horror. Donald and Goofy caught her, Faith roared in shock for her rider. Yuffie, Anakin, Kaz, Tam, Neeku, Twitchy (Tam was holding him), Bucket, BB8 and Leon rushed towards them. "Oh no! Darce!" Kaz yelled, the droids beeped in shock, Twitchy barked in shock that he jumped out of Tam's hands and ran to his owner. "What did you do to her?!" Jiminy yelled. Yuffie saw him and asked "Hey! Whatever you did to her...undo it, before things get ugly!" Yuffie yelled, as she got her star shurikens in her hands.

A keybalde appeared in Music Meister in his hand, much to everyone's shock in his style. Twitchy growled at him and barked viciously at him. Then used the force to steal Darcey's lightsaber, as he activated it in his hand. Much to everyone's shock. "Teaching her a lesson, next one, next stop Earth-1. The fastest man alive." Music Meister said, as he attacked them with his keyblade. Making everyone get out of the way, Yuffie threw her star shurikens at him. But he jumped over them and knocked them away. He just laughed at them. "Hey that's my sister's lightsaber, give it back now!" Anakin yelled as he activated his lightsaber and tried to attack the Music Meister. "If you want it, come and get it" he mocked them. "Guys! Stay with Darce." Anakin told his friends. "We'll be fine, teach that creeper a lesson!" Tam replied, as she held onto Darcey. So the duel between Anakin and the Music Meister began. Both Anakin and the Music Meister ran towards each other, clashing the lightsabers at each other. The Music Meister tried to attack him from above, but Anakin dodged and kneed him in the gut, using his lightsaber to push him back. Just as Anakin was about to give him another strike, but the Music Meister cheated. By tripping Anakin from behind with his back leg strike, knocking him to the ground. Deactivating the lightsabers and escaped through the inter-dimensional portal to Barry Allen, using the interdimensional extrapolator.

Leaving Anakin on the ground, Yuffie, Neeku and Leon helped him up. Everyone looked in shock, of what the Music Meister did, "Darce, wake up come on wake up." Goofy said, as he shook her. "Hey, snap out of it Darce." Donald said. "Darce wake up." Neeku said, as he tapped her face. Faith nudged her rider to wake up, but no movement. Twitchy whimpered in worry for her and licked her cheek to wake up, but she didn't. "Its just like when she was so exhaust herself during the first duel you both had, when she first arrived in town." Yuffie remembered a certain memory, as she looked at Darcey as she looked at Leon. "Why won't she wake up?" Tam asked in worry. BB8 and Bucket nudged her but nothing. Jiminy hopped on her hand, and grabbed her left thumb and said "This may hurt a bit." Jiminy said, as he was about to bite her, but was stopped by Anakin and the others. Everyone saying "Woah" or "Hold up". Til Anakin scooped him up with his hand to face him. "Woah, Woah hold on Jiminy! That won't wake her up." Anakin told him. "If biting won't help, what will?" Jiminy asked. Then they were contacted by J'onn through Leon's communicator "Leon, did you come across the Music Meister? He allowed himself to get arrested by the DEO, whammed Kara and stole the interdimensional extrapolator; using it to open a breach to Traverse Town." J'onn explained them, "Yeah we saw him, he whammied Darcey and stole her powers. He's summoned his own keyblade, took her lightsaber and said he's off to Earth-1." Leon explained. "Oh no, stay there. We'll come to you, keep Darcey safe. Then head to Earth-1, to stop him to save the girls." J'onn stated. Everyone else nodded in agreement. Faith warbled in worry for her, "Don't worry Faith we'll get that creep and teach him a lesson." Tam comforted Darcey's dragon. Twitchy whimpered in worry, Goofy picked him and said "There, There Darcey's gonna be ok.". Twitchy snuggled closer to him. "Yuffie get back headquarters and see what you can find about that guy." Leon told Yuffie. "On it!" Yuffie replied, as she rushed back to HQ. Another Breach appeared and it was J'onn and Mon-El carrying an unconscious Supergirl. "Hurry! We need to stop him." J'onn ordered everyone, everyone nodded in agreement. Anakin carried his sister, while Kaz got her backpack. "Leon you coming?" Anakin asked Leon, "You go, I need to inform our allies of this new threat." Leon denied, as he left to get to headquarters to inform their allies of the situation.

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