Chapter Forty - Departing ways/Worlds are restored

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 Raiden takes a few steps backward, his shoes digging into the soft sand on the tiny piece of beach he appeared on. Dark Knight stood by him, for protection til they saw Darcey and Faith and smiled at them. It seems to be floating off the floating island into the abyss. Raiden looks up, his eyes catching Darcey. Darcey called as she runs up to him "Raiden!" Raiden yelled as he steps closer to her "Darce!". Their dragons stood beside their riders, for support ad relief. But as they got closer to each other, suddenly the two worlds shake, separating from each other. Raiden freaked as Darcey catches his fall. Dark-Knight and Faith had to use their paws to hold their grip. They stare into each other's eyes. Darcey quickly said "Raiden, remember what you said before? I'm always with you, too." As the worlds continue to drift apart, they hold hands, leaning forward to reach toward one another. Darcey quickly said "I'll come back to you. I promise!". Raiden yelled to her "I know you will!" Their hands part and both Raiden and Dark-Knight drifts away from Darcey and Faith, who reaches out to him. He folds his hands together as they continue to stare back, when a small point of light floats down into Raiden's hands. He looks up and the sky is filled with tiny points of light, the essence of worlds. Dark-Knight looked in wonder as the lights touched his snout, while standing next to Raiden. The lights float down around the both of them as the Destiny Islands begin to reassemble around Raiden and Dark Knight. Trees burst through the ground as the wooden platforms at the beach reform to the way they used to be. Raiden and Dark Knight watches as the ocean rolls in. Darcey smiles, so did Faith and calls out to Raiden as the world barrier forms, finally separating the two of them.

Raiden looks down to the water as the light around Darcey falls back. He looks up suddenly as the light bursts into shooting stars which fly into the sky, reclaiming their proper places. As the worlds are restored, Raiden's face forms a small smile as he gazes at the beauty around him. Dark Knight smile too, as he nudge Raiden and he strokes with kindness and affection. Later, the sun and the clouds return and the island returns to normal. A soft wind blows through the flora and seagulls fly in the air, Dark-Knight flew around the Island in wonder before flying to the main island meeting up with Mara and her group. While Raiden walks toward the Secret Place, a ray of light shines through the hole in the ceiling, illuminating the many drawings on the walls. He walks through the cave, touching the rough rocky walls, fondly recalling the memories with his friends. He reaches the furthest wall and kneels, seeing a new drawing of Darcey giving Raiden a paopu fruit. Emotion wells up inside him as an image of Darcey drawing on the walls appears before him. She stares back at him and smiles, before disappearing. He holds out a hand, smiling, and starts to cry. He ends his time in the Secret Place by drawing his hand giving Darcey a paopu fruit. After leaving the secret place, his dragon Dark-Knight nudges him and he hugs him with affection. Before gesturing for him to get on his back, which he did and together they flew towards the sky admiring the beauty of his homeworld, before returning to the main island to go home.

Back in Disney Castle, Chip, Monty, Gadget, Zipper and Dale call to the attention of Daisy and Queen Minnie. They look and see Huey, Dewey, and Louie running through the courtyard trailed by a procession of walking broomsticks. Webby, April, May, June and Violet followed from behind the walking broomsticks. Max Goof was in the training grounds with his friends, socialising while training together he looks up the sky and smiles, feeling proud of his father. Life in Traverse Town was peaceful, as the refugees returned to their worlds, while others managed to restart their lives. In Wonderland, Alice returns to her cat and her older sister, as they return to home for tea. In Olympus Coliseum, Hercules was warming up before jumping on Pegasus to fight another monster in Thebes. In Pachyderm Parade, Dumbo became a huge star, Timothy became his manger, he was treated with respect from the circus, got a private cart and was reunited with his mother. In Passamaquoddy, things brighten up for Pete as he now has a real family with Nora, Paul and Lampie, Elliot left to help other children, but will always remember Pete in his heart. In Kuzco's Empire, Pacha's family swim around in the lake that was built for Kuzco's smaller summer home Pacha dives in and sends Kuzco to the side of the lake where Chicha gives him his sweater he hugs her and the group gets together for lunch. In Deep Jungle, Tarzan became the new leader of the Gorillas, The Porters reunite with Tarzan and his family and embark on their new life together. In Agrabah, Jasmine and Aladdin share a passionate kiss as Genie covers his and Abu's eyes, but peeks anyway. Rajah and the Sultan were happy that he's changed the law that 'the princess can marry whoever deems worthy'. In Atlantica, Ariel goes exploring with Flounder and still wanders the world outside her own. In HolloweenTown, Jack Skellingtonn is planning new spooky ideas for Halloween with his friends and the townspeople.

At Metroville, Mr Incredible and his family had just exited the stadium with Dash holding the trophy in his hands. Then suddenly a huge drill appeared out of the ground with a new villain on top. Without a second thought, they slipped on their masks and began to face this new villain. At Hogwarts, Harry and his friends were boarding a scarlet train that was heading back home to London. Harry had lost his godfather and now he knew of his fate, but at this present time, he was happy to be with friends. On Earth MCU, Tony and Pepper start the construction of the Avengers Tower, we see the 'A' still standing. In outer space, Other confers with his master Thanos about the failed attack on Earth. In Los Angeles, Clark and Dagger, plus Team Runaways are discussing their plan to stop their parents - PRIDE. In Berk - Barbaric Archipelago, Hiccup and his friends fly around Berk on their dragons. For the first time in his life, he is accepted and praised by his tribe, and his father and ended the dragon war. His friends now accept him and Toothless as one of their own. He has found his place, wondering what new adventures await him, his tribe, his dragon and his friends. In the 100-acre wood, Winnie the Pooh was having a picnic with his friends and thinking about Darcey. In Neverland, Wendy and her brothers were reunited with their parents and their dog Nana, Peter still smiles of all of the time with his friends. He starts sailing the ship with the lost boys, Tinkerbell and her friends.

Belle, Aurora, Snow White and Cinderella were returned to their respective homewards to their friends and families. Aurora, Snow White and Cinderella were dancing with their husbands (Aurora dancing with Prince Philip, Snow White dancing with Prince Charming, and Cinderella dancing with Prince Thomas). Belle was helping Beast with reading a good book. In the Library of Hollow Bastion, Leon, Yuffie, and Aerith converse with each other. The door opens and Aerith looks over seeing Cid and Cloud. Aerith moves closer and she bends down to stare into Cloud's eyes. Meanwhile, Pinocchio has become a real boy and he dances with glee as Geppetto laughs happily, while Figaro and Cleo dances. In Arrowverse universe, The Legends defeat the Legion of Doom, destroyed the Spear of Destiny. Saving the world, however they broke the timelines with dinosaurs in the streets and buildings present from other points of history. Rip Hunter started a new organisation called the "Time Bureau.". Team Flash had to deal with aftermath of Barry going into the Speed Force, leaving them to defend Central City from upcoming threats. Team Arrow managed to defeat Adrian Chase and his team, Oliver now has to protect his son 'William Clayton' after his mother Samantha Clayton was murdered on Lian Yu's bombs implanted by Adrian Chase. Superfriends on Earth-38 continue their daily lives, after the Daxamites invasion and sending Mon-El to safety. The Inhumans are rebuilding their lives on Earth, after the defeat of Maximus. In titan verse, the titans settled into their new base - Titans Tower. The Librarians have defeated Apep and formed a new alliance with DOSA. The Warehouse 13 agents have started a new case of the upcoming threat. At Camp-Half Blood, Percy and his friends were training for their upcoming quests or missions against Luke Castellan and his army to resurrect Khronos. At Panem in District 12, Katniss and Peeta returned to their home. Hailed as heroes, but they still have the threats of President Snow to deal with.

On the Colossus Station, Anakin and Team Fireball were continuing their mechanics on the Fireball. The Aces were out to start their races. Anakin still thinks of his sister and how proud he is of her. On the Destiny Islands, Rebecca, Ivo, and Eddie run along the beach. Serval of other Darcey's friends - Anya Mei, Mimosa Jane Hayes and Andrew joined them for a game of beach volleyball. Back at the main island (Destiny Islands) Mara and her resistance squadron started setting up their Resistance Outpost after getting the Mayor's and the council's permission. Mara looks at the photo of her family, and smiles with happiness. Before giving orders to her soldiers, pilots, construction workers and her fellow teammates. Elsewhere, Meredith, Quinn, Stacy and Chad were ordered months of community service such as removing graffiti in public spaces, cleaning litter and mucking out out animal dung. Much to their disgust, before crashing into each other and getting covered in animal dung. 

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