Chapter 6

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It was lunch time. Finally! So far I had math with the three of them, science with Do, English with Maddie and Do, France with Ian and we have lunch together too. There is noway I can avoid them.

God why did you let me meet them. You know I can't have friends. "So where's Luke?" Maddie asked Do when we sat at a table.

"Here." I look up and saw a boy standing there.

Do stood up and kissed him before taking his hand leading him to the table. "Yeah their dating and do that a lot, so get use to it." Maddie whisper to me. A laugh escape our mouths when she pulled away. "You most me Ina. I'm Luke. The whole school is talking about you." Something I don't want.

"Yup that's me and I hope that they don't say something bad about me." He took a seat next to Do and shook his head.

"No just that you're new and crazy to come to this empty and boring town in the middle of nowhere." A smile came on my face. There isn't a town near by and it's pretty.... how can I say it nicely. There is noting to do here, but hey it's save for me and my brother, so I'll take it. The other three agreed with Luke about the town.

The four of them were talking when my phone when of. I looked at it and saw that it was my brother. 'Everything alright? Do I have to come pick you up?' A small smile came to my face.

He is concern for me, but everything is fine, so he don't have to come and pick me up. 'No I'm fine and everything is okay.' I put my phone away and began to eat my sandwich.

"So where do you live?" Maddie asked looking at me.

The four of them looked at me. "Uhm it's a really old house at the end of town near and the beginning of the forest."

"Oh yeah I know that one. It was abandon for a really long time." Do said taking a sip from her drink.

"It's pretty new on the inside and I have a beautiful view on the forest." Look at me I'm making fiends. Wait why am I doing this? Like Tom said maybe this is our home, so I can make friends.

"I bet you can see the old abandon asylum." Luke said with a smirk.

"Yeah I can see it." Ian had a smirk on his face.

"They say that you can still see light coming out of the operation room and once your inside your never coming out." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Are you trying to scare me?" He lean closer to me smirking more.


"Ian seriously! That's just a thing they said to keep kids like you out of that building." Do said leaning closer to Ian. It was like she's mad at him or something. "Well why don't we go see for ourselves huh?" He asked playfully.

No I can't I promise my brother I would stay away from that place and who know what for things is walking there. I just met these people and I don't want to see things in front of them.

"Nope!" Maddie said shaking her head. Yup I'm same as her. Big nope.

"Come on Maddie it will be fun." Ian said to her when she shook her head.

"I'm with Maddie on this one." Do said.

Ian looked at Luke waiting for his response.

A smile came on his face. "I want to go."

Do looked at him like if he was crazy. Well we go to a place were crazy people lives, so I think he will enjoy it. "You what?" She asked still looking at him. Luke grab her waist moving her closer. "Come on Do. It will be a adventure and I promise that I will protect you." He kissed her cheek which made her smile.

"Fine I'm in." She said with a sighed. The three of them looked at Maddie and me waiting for us to say yes. "Come on Maddie I'm not going if you don't go." Do said with puppy dog eyes.

Maddie closed her eyes before looking at her. "Fine I'll go."

The two boys high five each other before turning to me. "So Ina you're the last one to say yes." I glared at Ian.

Why is he so annoying? "Come on, you know you want to." I shook my head licking my lips.

"Actually I don't want to and beside I can't just sneak out my house tonight, my brother would notice it." I said hoping they would let it slide, but no. They didn't let is slide. "Oh yeah I forgot. You live with your older bother." Maddie said.

I nodded my head looking away from Ian. I know that he was staring at me I could see it in the corner of my eye. "But wouldn't it be fun to just see those things?!" Do said with excitement in her voice.

So now she happy that she will go to place were people go torture instead of getting help? "No not really." I said while she slump back in her seat looking down.

"Oh I see." I look at Ian with a confuse look.

"You're scared." Oh please I'm not scared. Okay maybe a little, but he don't have to know that.

"I'm not scared." I said back glaring at him.

He laugh shaking his head. "Oh come on face it. You're scared to go there. I can see it in your eyes." He smirk at me. I wish I could slap him. Everything would be solved then. They would stope talking to me and I don't have to go the old asylum, but because I'm a idiot I didn't do it.

Instead I said this.

"Fine I'll go." I said looking him straight in the eyes.

I could hear Luke and Do cheering, but I didn't look at them. My eyes were still fixed on Ian. The moment I said that I would go something change in his eyes. A spark was lite up and it wouldn't go out until I will go to that old asylum with them.

Near the Death (Under heavy editing!)Where stories live. Discover now