Chapter 36

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It was the next day and things didn't started normal. When I woke up this morning my mouth tasted like metal, so I when upstairs to the bedroom. The moment I stood before the mirror my eyes widened. There was blood inside my mouth.

I have no ideas who it happen.

Maybe I bite the inside of my mouth or my tongue this night. Quickly I spit out the blood and put some water inside my mouth. The blood was gone, but the taste of metal was still there.

When back downstairs and saw that Tom was awake. "Good morning." I said when I walked to the couch next to him. He looked up and smiled.

"Good morning." Slowly he sat up groaning a few times.

"How are you feeling?" He shrug his shoulders before turning back to me. "I don't know. It still hurts." I nodded my head.

Scott was right I have to tell him about the asylum and my dreams. "Tom there is something I have to tell you." He nodded his head with a concern look in his eyes.

"I did something, something I shouldn't have done." I continue.

"Ina just tell me. Its going to be okay." Nope it's not going to be okay. You're going to hate me after this. I took a deep breath.

"I when to the asylum." I quickly breath out. Tom didn't say anything for a few seconds.

"What?" He asked confuse.

"The night of the first day of school I when with my friends to the asylum." I twirled with my fingers looking at him.

"Ina I told you not to go there." Oh no here it comes.

"I know I'm sorry." I whisper looking down.

"Why would you do that after I told you not to go. Do you know how dangerous that place is? The last time I was with you and you got hurt, badly!" I could hear the anger I his voice. I look up at him and saw that his eyes were filed with disappointment.

"I'm sorry." I whisper again.

I didn't know what else to say. He took a deep breath to calm himself. "Did something happen?" Slowly I nodded my head.


"I saw a man I think he was a doctor there, but he didn't attack me. Then all the doors shot and open before patient started to follow us almost grabbing us, but we escaped." And now he hates me.

"Did something else happen?" Again I nodded my head.

"We all got weird dreams afterwords, excepted for Ian."

Ian is a asshole so I don't care.

I explained what Maddie dreamed of and told him about her grandmother. Then I told them about Do and Luke and how they ended with burn wounds. "And you? What did you dream about?"

"I dream about a girl who lived there. She was just like us. I had a vision in the asylum from here when I picked up a teddy bear. When I got home I dreamed about her again, but when I woke up her teddy bear, the one I was holding the asylum and left there, was laying next to my pillow." I explained to him.

To my surprise he stood up. "Show me the bear." I gave him a confuse look, but stood up and walked to the stairs. Tom followed behind me not saying any word. When I came in my room I when to my closet and room the box out with the bear and drawings.

I put it on my bed before opening it.

To came standing next to me looking at the box. Carefully like I was scared I would hurt it, I took the bear from the box. Something changed inside Tom's eyes when I showed him the bear.

"Ina what's the girl's name." He asked not taking his eyes from the bear.

"Uhm Evelina Morris." Slowly and carefully he study the bear.

"When was the last time you had one of those dreams?" I sat down on my bed taking a deep breath.

"Last night when I was sitting with you. It never happen before like that. Normally I was asleep, but not then." He put the bear back in the box before sitting down next to me.

"Do you hate me now?" I asked with tears in my eyes.

"Of course not. I would never hate you and you that." He took my hand in his giving it a squeeze. "I'm just a little bit disappointed that you didn't listen to me." I understand that.

I should have listen to him. "I'm sorry." I said again.

He gave me a small smile before pulling me in a hug. "It's okay. That's what teenagers are for." A laugh escape my mouth.

"What do you think these dreams mean?" I asked when we pulled away.

"I have no idea, maybe because she was the as like us and you had a connection. Just don't dig anymore deeper into this, okay? It can end bad if you know to much about that person." I nodded my head.

Maybe his right.

Were probably going to move and them I'm probably never gonna dream about her again or any of the asylum. I hope.

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