Chapter 30

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It's been a few weeks since everything happened. Nothing happen after that. I read through most of Evelina's file. They did so much to her. Form a young age she been torture. I found out that we have a lot in commend.

Still I don't know if she's still alive or not. I hope she is. I hope she and her family got out of that asylums alive. I was sitting in class waiting for the last class to be over. The teacher was sick so we could do what ever we wanted to do.

Someone poked my side making me giggle.

I'm a ticklish person.

I look to my side and saw Do with a smile on her face. "Someone is ticklish." I rolled my eyes at her before turning fully towards her.

"I am, so why did you poke me?"

"Well it's Friday and there is a party at the lake in the woods. It's a party they throw every year. A lot of people go to it. Even older kids from collage. Do you want to come?" A party in the woods? What can go wrong there. Oh right everything!

"Do, I don't know, after everything that happen." Maddie told her and the guys what happen in the asylum. We al agreed that we wouldn't go back there ever again. The nightmares stopped for everyone and we didn't want knew ones.

"Come on. You can forget about everything and just and gave fun with us." She's not going to take no for a answer.

"Fine I'll go." I said with a sighed.

She clapped her hands smiling more. "Great Maddie will pick you up at eight be ready and wear something cute." I nodded my head before looking back outside. It's not my first party, so I think I will survive it.

I hope.

The bell finally when off and I took my stuff. Quickly I walk to my locker to put my stuff in my locker. "So I heard that you're going to the party." I jump when I heard a voice.

I look behind me and saw Ian.

"What do you want Ian." I said annoyed turning back to my locker.

"Nothing I just wanted to say hey." I close my locker and turn around back to him.

"Well hey and goodbye." I brush pass him to the doors.

"What is your problem?" I hear him say behind me.

"Nothing I just don't what to talk to you." I said back opening one of the doors. "Why I don't do anything wrong." He's right he didn't do anything wrong, for once. It's just that I have this feeling around him and I don't like it. I'm just trying to keep my distant from him.

A hand grabbed mine making me stop from walking. "Look Ina, I just want to get to know you okay? I know we started wrong, but let me make it up to you." My hand tightens around my bag strap. His eyes told me that he was telling the truth. Maybe he is okay if I get to know him. I mean, Do, Luke and Maddie likes him, so maybe he's not that bad.

"Okay." A smile came on my face while he let go of my hand.

"Good, why don't we talk tonight at the party." I nodded my head. I look around and saw my brother's car. "I need to go. I see you tonight." Quickly I made my way to the car not waiting in his answer.

I still had this weird feeling in my stomach.

"So how was your day?" Tom asked me when I closed the door behind me.

"Boring." I simply answer. A chuckle escape his mouth.

"Well that's high school." A laugh escape my mouth.

I lean my head against the window while looking outside. It was a beautiful day. Maybe it will be a beautiful night. "Hey Uhm there is this party tonight. Is it okay if I go?" I asked Tom looking away from the window.

"Yeah, I'm going to a party too. It's at a lake." Wait a minute.

"Yeah mine too." He looked at me with frown eyebrows.

"It's the same party isn't it?" I said.

"Yup. Scott told me about it and he wanted to go, so I said yes." Well now I'm sure nothing bad well happen. Tom and Scott are there, so I think I'm save. I need to stop worrying and just have fun for once in my life. The last coupe, of weeks were stressful. My arm is almost health and I haven't have a nightmare in a while.

Maybe things are getting better. I just need to hope that it will stay like this for a while. I still want to know what happen to Evelina, but maybe it's better to let the past be in the pats and focus on the future. I mean what will I do with my life after high school?

Will I stay with Tom or will I go on my own. It's not that I want to get away from Tom. It's just that I want to see the world. I know it's impossible for me to see it, because it's dangerous and what if they find Tom when I'm gone.

I would never forgive myself if something would happen to him. Maybe it better if we stayed together. We look after each other and I wouldn't change it.

Near the Death (Under heavy editing!)Where stories live. Discover now