Chapter 26

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I pull my jacket closer to my body while we walk through the dark tunnel. I was in Trent with behind me Maddie and Drew. I don't know how he confines me to do this, but here I am walking through a old abandon tunnel.

At times Maddie would let out a whimper when she saw a rat running down her feet. The flashlight didn't I give much light in this darkness. None of us said one word. It was like we couldn't speak.

I could hear my heart beating in my chest. I got this feeling that someone would jump at me any time now and it scars the living shit out of me. All I could think of now, was that someone would stand in front of me without me knowing. Our footsteps echo through the darkness, while we walk further.

It's been five minutes and we finally reach a metal door. It was big and heavily locked on this side. "What do you think is behind this door." I snapped out my thoughts when Maddie spoke up.

"I have no idea, but whatever was behind this, they didn't want it to come out." Drew said.

Well here go's nothing. I grabbed the big handle in my hand before pulling it up. It made a loud noise. We all stopped breathing when the door slowly open. No this can't be true. Were standing right in front of a office chair and desk.

"This is the asylum." Maddie whisper walking up next to me.

We where in the warden office. Everything is the same since we last saw it. I walked inside looking around. My house is connected with the asylum. All those noise that came from behind the cabinet came from here. Also those two ghost's pulled the other ghost in it. Did they brought him here?

The office was bigger now I could see things. It looks less creepy when it's day time.

This is my chance to learn more about Evelina. Quickly walked to one of the cabinets and open a drawer. "What are you doing?" Maddie asked walking up to me.

Just say something Ina, but I couldn't I was sick of this, sick of all of this.

"I'm looking for a file." See I told the truth no lies.

What was her last name again? Something with a M. Morris that's it. "And why do you need a file from a abandon asylum?" Drew asked.

I rolled my eyes at him, but he couldn't see me. My back was facing them. "Because if I want this to end I need to know something." Come one where is it. Being here made me feel weird, so the faster I find it the faster we can get out of here.

"What needs to end?" I don't have time for this.

The more I tell them the more they think I'm a freak.

"Got it!"

I took the file and turn around. Evelina Morris. I walk to the desk and put it on it. I could feel Maddie and Drew walking to the desk. Before I could open it a hand was slammed on it. I look up and saw that Maddie was looking at me with concern in her eyes.

"Ina is there something you're not telling me." I look form her to Drew. I close my eyes taking a deep breath before opening them back.

Before I could say something we heard a loud bang in the hallway.

Oh no not again.

"What was that?!" Maddie asked panicking.

I took the file from the desk and put it in between my shirt and pants. We walked to the hallway looking outside the door opening. Again there was a banging sound. I saw how Maddie grabbed Drew's hand.

"We need to get away now!" Maddie whisper.

I shook my head. "No someone is out there." I whisper back.

"Yeah that's why we need to go, like right now." I could hear the fear in her voice, but I'm not giving in that easily. I want to know who's there. Don't get me wrong this place gives me the creeps, but I want to see who's there.

"Okay let's just take a quick look before going." Drew said.

I nodded my head before walking out of the room. I could hear Maddie mumble under her breath. Slowly we made our way through the hall. This wasn't the same hallway like in my dreams.

The one in my dreams was more darker. We stopped in our tracks when we heard voices. They came from a door from our left. It's sounds like two people where talking, but I couldn't hear what they were saying.

I walk closer putting my ear on the door. Muffle voices was all I heard. Made since, these doors are sound prove. I had a feeling that this was the operation room or something bad was behind it.

I jump when Maddie hit a object that was on the floor. It made a lot of noise. I know that the people who was I there heard it because they stopped with talking.

Footsteps came running to the door and before we could hide or run the door swung open.

Near the Death (Under heavy editing!)Where stories live. Discover now