Chapter 9

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It was even much bigger from up close. I was right I could only see a small part of the building from my window. We all got out of the car when Luke stopped in front of the building. You could see that some kids were already been here. Windows were smashed and graffiti was on some walls.

I look behind me and saw a old big gate. It was covered with plans that had grow over the years. "How are we gonna get in?" Maddie asked making me turn back around. The door is locked and was border shut with some big planks. Oh well let's go back home than.

"We can walk around the building and look if there is any way we can get in." Ian said.

He always has a plan doesn't he? We began to walk to the other side from the building. Everything looked the same. Broken, plants, graffiti and burning marks. A cold wind made the trees around the area crack. I pull my jacket closer to my body. Maddie was walking closer to me when she heard the trees. She was scared I could see it, but who wouldn't. This building could give everybody the creeps.

Ian was walking in front of us while Do and Luke were walking behind me. Ian came to a stop when he saw a broken window. "We can go through there." Or we can go home. Ian was the first one to climb in. After that it was Maddie, me, Do and Luke.

I thought the outside was creepy, but the inside was even scarier. We were what it looks like in the kitchen of the asylum. Old pans and plates were standing on the table in front of us. This al look so new, maybe Ian was right about the while few years back.

"So what now?" Do asked.

Ian took his bag from his shoulders and handed us each a flashlight. "Now we explore." He had this excited smile on his face. I have a feeling this is going to be really bad. There are things here, I just know it. Why didn't I listen to my brother.

I was mentally slapping myself for not listing to him.

Slowly and without saying a word we walked out the kitchen. We came in the eating area. Tables and chairs were standing all perfectly next to each other like nothing happened. Again they looked all new. There were burning marks on the walls along with some ashes on the ground.

We went through another door and we came in a hallway. It was dark and really cold. Maddie came closer to me and I when closer to her. "This is really creepy." She whisper to me.

I nodded my head. There were some rooms, but they weren't really rooms more like toilets and storage rooms. There was a other door and that leads us to the income hall. The front desk was cover with papers, dust and burn things. There were wheelchairs on the side with other old and doctors stuff.

Maddie began to walk faster catching up with Do and Luke. This room gave me the creeps. It's al dark and cold. You could say that time has stood still here. Something got my eye.

It was a teddybear.

Kids were here too, so I didn't surprise me that I would find something like that here, but something seem different about it. It was like I have seen it before. I took it from the ground and held it in my hands. There came some stuffing out of the holes and he lost a eye.

To my surprise it wasn't burn.

From all the rest in this room the teddy bear fell wanted and loveable. It seem weird, but the teddy bear gave me a good feeling. Suddenly flashed of image came in front of my eyes.

There was a little girl sitting in one of the cells here. She was playing around with some broken toys when the door open. Scared as hell the little girl crawl against the wall away from the two dressed in white men. They throw a man in the cell before closing the door.

"Two minutes Morris." One of the men yelled.

The man sighed before looking inside the room. The little girl slowly looked up form her knees before rushing to the man. "Daddy!" She cried before jumping in his arms. The man picked his daughter up in his arms letting out a deep breath.

"Hello baby girl." The girl cried because she was happy that she finally saw her daddy again. She didn't know how long ago she saw him or any of her family. "I don't have much time, but I wanted to see you for your special day." The girl looked confuse when she pulled away.

"It's your birthday baby. You turned six today." The little girl didn't even know that it was her own birthday, she didn't even know which year, day or month it was. That's how long she's been here. She never have been out of this building or outside.

"Really?" The girl asked.

The man smiled nodding his head. "Your mommy, brother and I wanted to give you a little present." They man got something that was halve in his back pocket. The girl gasp when she saw the teddybear. "When you're alone and you're scared just hug this bear and you will not be alone anymore." The girl took the bear in her tinny hands letting out sob.

The door slammed open and before they had a change to say goodbye to each other the two men dragged her dad out the room. "Daddy!" The girl cried running to the closed door. She could faintly hear her dad call her name. She should be use to this. One of her family member would come and to her for a really short among of time before two men in white would come and drag them away from her.

The little girl lean against the door before sliding down against it. She look down at the bear in her hands while a tear fall on his face.

Suddenly the image disappear and I was looking at the teddybear in my own hands. A warm liquid run down my cheek. I drop the bear on the floor feeling bad. They locked a six year girl up in hear. No wait she didn't got locked up in here at that age, but she born here. That's just wrong.

Quickly I wipe the tears away from my cheek before someone could see it. I don't need them to asked me why I was crying. I look down at the bear and shook my head.

We walked further into a hallway. There were some cell and I had feeling that something could jump at me any second. And for a second I though something was looking at me from in the darkness.

Suddenly a hand cover my mouth pulling me into a dark cell.

Near the Death (Under heavy editing!)Where stories live. Discover now