Chapter 16

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I pull the blanket closer to my shivering body. It was still storming outside. Wind was blowing through the trees while now and then thunder would come. I was siting on the couch with my PJ on.

Lightning lights up the room and quickly I pull the blanket over my head.

I hate thunder storms!

I'm just glad that those two ghost are gone. When I looked outside again a few hours later they were gone. Thank god for that.

The blanket was pulled away from my head making me scream. "Ssh Ina it's me." Tom stood next to the couch.

"Stop scaring me!" I said slapping his chest when he sat down next to me.

A laugh escape his lips. "Sorry I didn't mean to."

Thunder strikes making me hide my face back under the blanket.

"I hate thunder storms." I whine when Tom pulled the blanket back from my head.

"Ina the thunder can't hurt you." No, but the things that hide in the dark can. Those things mostly come out when thunder comes. "I know." I said letting out a sighed.

A scream escape my lips when the lights when out. "It's okay the power just when out. I have to to the basement to start it back up." He stood up, but I grabbed his hand.

"No don't leave me." I looked around into the dark room. Everything seem more scary now. "I'm gonna be right back I promise." Slowly I let go of his hand. "Don't worry nothing will happen."

The last time someone said that to me, I when in a asylums and got attacked by ghosts.

There I was sitting in the darkness. The lightning lighted up the room for a sec. Long enough for me to see what was in it. Please Tom hurry back. I don't want to be alone.

A cracking sound made me jump.

I look behind me and saw that the closet door was a little bit open.


No answer.

I stood up from the couch and start walking to the door. Suddenly a hand appeared making me immediately stop with walking. Slowly it grabbed the door frame. The smell of rotting eggs and death came in the room.

Ow no.

This would be a really good time for the lights to come back on. A other hand appeared pushing the door more open. The cracking sound made chills run up my spine. A figure appeared in the doorway. Dress in black, with a white pale skin.

Everything about it made me scared, but his eyes were the worst. His eyes were yellow. They were looking right at me. Slowly I started to back away from it.

With a blink of a eye the figure stood in front of me. I could feel his cold ice breath on my face. Before he could do something I started to run.

"Tom!" I screamed my lungs out.

I was in the kitchen when I bumped into something. They wrapped their arms around me, so I started to trash around thinking it was the ghost. "Ina it's me. Stop!" I look up and saw Tom.

Thank god.

Quickly I wrapped my arms around him bursting into tears. "Something is in the house." I whisper.

The lights were still out. The ghost appeared into the doorway. The smell of rotting eggs were back. It was hard not to gag. Slowly it started to move our way. We couldn't run, were trapped in here. The only escape there was was going outside through the back door, but who said that there aren't any ghost there.

This ghost was dress really weird. A black suite, black shoes, a death red rose in his pocket.

He was really close now. With one move of his hand me and Tom were send fly across the floor against the counter. I hit my head pretty bad against it. It was about to hit us again when the big cabinet behind him started to move.

The ghost looks like he was confuse, because he looked behind him. In a blink of a eye two white ghost came from the cabinet. They grabbed the other ghost and dragged him back inside the cabinet. He was fighting against the two white ghost, but they were for sure stronger.

The two ghost were a man and a woman. They seem familiar, but I didn't know were I have seen them before. I had a good feeling about them. They dragged him inside the cabinet and before I knew it they were gone.

The lights turn back on, bring back the silence. "What the hell just happened?!" I said turn to Tom.

He was looking at the cabinet, not taking his eyes from it for a second. He looked shocked. I would say it looked like he just seen a ghost, but that wouldn't make any sense.

"I don't know." Who were those ghosts? I mean it when I said that I have seen them before.

"Come on." Tom stood up and took my hand pulling me up from the ground. "Let's just go to bed and forget what just happen." I can't sleep now. Maybe that ghost cam come back at night.

"Can I sleep with you tonight? I don't want to be alone." He smiled nodding his head.

"Yeah sure."

"Thanks." We when upstairs hoping that that ghost wouldn't come back.

Near the Death (Under heavy editing!)Where stories live. Discover now