Chapter 7

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Okay Ina just say that you met some friends and that they asked to hangout with you tonight. I walk nervously to my brother's car. He was picking me up from school and I had to find a excuse to get out of the house. It is Friday, so I don't see why he would say no to that.

I was playing with the edge of my sleeve. I never lied to Tom before and it felt wrong doing it. A sighed escape my lips before I open the car door. I stepped in and put my seat belt on. "So?" My brother asked when he started the car.

I shrug my shoulder looking at the road. "I met some people." I could feel him smile.

"That's good." He drove out of the schools parking lot. "And they asked if I could hangout with them tonight." I said slowly while looking at him.

He was looking at the road in front of him frowning his eye brows. "Do you wanna go?" No I don't wanna go. If you say no I'm saved. They wanna go to the asylum. Don't let me go, please. I wanna say all of that, but I didn't.


A sighed escape his lips. Please say no, please say no. I cross my fingers hoping he would say no. I mean if he said no I have a excuse for Ian. Otherwise he would tease me, saying that I'm scared. I mentally roll my eyes when I thought back at his stupid smirk. I can feel hate towards him already.

"Okay you can go." Great.... I put up a fake smile, but in my head I was screaming and cursing at myself how stupid I was. Wow I didn't know I know so many cruse words. Huh good to know. Maybe I can use them on Ian one day.

"Thank you." I quickly said.

This feel wrong. I bite my lips looking outside. I feel guilt for lying to Tom. The cars and house goes by in a haze. "So what ere you guys gonna do?"


Come on say something. "We're just going to hangout at a friends house, watching a movie and stuff." I quickly say. Okay that's it. See that wasn't hard to say. Why am I even talking to myself?

"Are there gonna be guys?" A smile came on my face.

I gave him are you serious look. "Don't give me those eyes Ina. I'm just looking after you and as a older brother I have to know if there gonna be boys." I shook my head laughing.

"Yes Tom there are gonna be boys, but don't worry they are only with two and there gonna be two other girls." And probably a lot of death people.

"Good." He said looking at me for a sec before looking back at the road. We stopped at a red light and I look back outside. There were people walking there or coming out of stores, which was normal I guess, but something got my eyes.

A old lady was standing in the middle of the road looking in front of her. She stood frozen on the ground not moving a muscle. She had no emotion on her face. What's wrong with her? A car came speeding up behind her, but she didn't see it. My eyes begin to wide when I know what was going to happen. Before I could do something the car hit the woman.

"Oh my god!" I scream looking away.

"What! Ina what's wrong?!" Tom said when he heard me scream.

I look back up and saw that the car just drove by use like nothing happened. I thought that he hit her. Or goes through her.... "I saw a old lady and and and that car." I pointed at the car who was a little bit further in the street.

"I thought he hit her, but she disappeared." I said looking around trying to find her. She was nowhere to be find. "Ina it's a old town. It was probably a ghost." Tom said looking around.

A sighed escape my lips. He's probably right. It's a really old town, so there have to be ghosts here. The light jumped on green and Tom began to drive again. I'm still not use to all of this. You should think after three years that I would know the different, but no.

Maybe before the accident I knew that, but now I don't. I mean the darker ghost I know because I just feel bad and not right when they're around, but normal ones are hard for me. For Tom not. He knows them and try to avoid them just like me, but sometimes it's hard. It's not that we don't want to help them, it's just hard for us to do it.

One time I helped a man. He just died in a car accident and left his wife behind. I convents her that I saw her husband. She believed me and the man could say goodbye to her before moving on. Let me tell you it was the best feeling I had every felt. Love, warmth, hope, forgiveness, I could feel al of that. That was the only time it didn't hurt me.

I had a other time that it was a dark ghost. I was in a museum with my class and there was the weird looking man. I know that it was a ghost because he had blood on his shoulder and neck and nobody could see him. Once he notice I saw him he ran to me and jump on top of me. I fell backwards and screamed for my life. He keep on yelling that he want to be gone and that I had to give him that.

The moment he touch me I could see everything what he did. I saw him killing some people in the museum by shooting them one by one even kids. When the police came he shot himself. It was horrible. I could feel the bullet going through my head like it was me who was being shot. When it was over and I couldn't see it anymore he was gone and then I passed out. They rushed my to the hospital.

When I woke up in the hospital bed I saw Tom sitting beside me. My head was wrapped in a bandage and I was dizzy as hell. He told me that I had a head wound, like someone shot me and the bullet scratch my head, but didn't go inside. The doctors had no explanation for it because nobody shot me. I told Tom what happened and he took me from school for a month.

After that I never wanted to talk to ghost again. I was afraid and forgot the good feeling I had before that. I was snapped out of my thoughts when my phone when off.

'We're still good for tonight?' It was Do. A sighed escape my lips.

'Yup pick me up at ten.' Looks like I'm going to the asylum.

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