Chapter 19

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We were walking downtown. Mostly Tom and Scott were talking and I just walk along. It was not that I was shy or anything, but they were laughing and were having fun. For the first time in the three years Tom is taking care of me he has someone to talk to who isn't me.

"Come on I wasn't that bad!" I hear Tom laugh.

I shook my head laughing at them. I look to my side and saw a store. It looked like a old book store. Tom and Scott were to busy talking and I wanted to go inside. Without them noticing I when inside. A old bell ringed when the door moved against it.

It smelled like old pages and inked in here.

Nobody come here much that's for sure. Slowly I walk down the bookshelves that was filled with books. "Hello." I look away from the books and saw a boy my age standing in front of me. He had a cute smile.

"Hey." I said smiling back.

"Can I help you with something?" I shook my head.

"No thanks I'm just looking around." I politely said.

"You're new here aren't you?" He asked raising one eyebrow. Everybody knows I'm new here. "Yeah that's right. I'm Ina." I said putting my hand out for him to shake it.

"I'm Drew."

He shook my hand and a cold shiver run down my spine. "Are you okay?" He asked looking concern.

"Uhm yeah. I'm fine." I pull my hand back and put on a fake smile. "Well if you need anything just ask." I nodded my head and he turn rand and walked away. I watch him when he walked away. Why did I had a shiver when I touched him? Mostly I have a cold shiver with someone if there is a ghost around them, but I didn't see one.

I shook it off before turning around. I was about to walk further when someone grabbed my arm pulling me in between two bookshelves. I hope someone hear me because I let out a little scream. I wanted to yell more when they put their hand on my mouth.

"Ina it's me." I open my eyes and saw that it was Maddie.

"Maddie what the hell." I push her hand away.

"I'm sorry." She said looking down.

"What are you doing here?" I asked while trying to get my heartbeat back to normal.

"I I'm uuuh." She looked around trying to find something. "I'm looking for books?" It was more to convince herself than me when she said that. I cross my arms over my chest and gave her are you kidding me look.

She opened her mouth to say something when Drew came running. "Are you alright I heard screaming!" He said panicking, but once he saw Maddie he relaxed and smiled.

"I'm fine Maddie just scared me for a sec." I said turning back to Maddie.

She was looking at him with a smile and red cheeks. "Hey Maddie. It's nice to see you again." I didn't know her cheeks could get more red until he said that. I really had to hold my laughter in, but then again it was so cute. Now I know why Maddie is here. "Hey drew. It's nice to see you again too."

After that they didn't say anything any more and just stare at each other. Okay? Is likening someone really like this? Getting nervous when that person is around. Having a smile on your face. Staring at each other. I thought Do and Luke were cute, but this is just so much cuter.

I cough before clearing my throat. "I need to go, my brother I probably looking for me." They both snapped out of their stare at each other. "It was nice meeting you Drew and Maddie I see you tomorrow at school." They said goodbye and I began to walk away.

When I turn around I saw a old lady standing behind Drew. She didn't look evil or anything. She even smiled at me. I smiled back before turning back around walking out the door. That was probably why I got that shiver.

The moment walked out the store I bumped into someone. "I'm so- oh Scott." He had his arms around me preventing me from falling. "Ina your brother and I were looking for you. Tom was freaking out when you disappeared." I mentally rolled my eyes.

Tom is always worry when I'm gone.

"Yeah sorry I saw this old book store and I had to go inside." He still had his arms around me. I could smell his scent and let me tell you it was amazing. "So you like books?" I look down and bite my lip.

"Uhm yeah." He lift my chin up so that I was looking at me.

"Hey me too."

A laugh escape my lips. He's really a dork haha. "Maybe me should get going before your brother is going to have a heart attack." I nodded my head. He let go of me taking the warmth of his body with him. It was cold here at the moment so his wam body was perfect now.

Silently we began to walk. "So how long do you know my brother?" I ask him after a few minutes of walking. "Since we were little." So he knew me too. Maybe he can tell me more about my pass.

"Did you know me?" I look at him hoping he would say yes.

"Yes, I knew you." A sighed escape my lips.

"Our parents knew each other too. In fact that's how me and your brother met." He explained.

It sad that I don't remember him at all anymore.

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