Chapter 14

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I was sitting at the kitchen table. My head was resting on my hand while I playing with my breakfast. I'm not really hungry after last night events. After that vision I had thrown the bear in my closet and locked. I stood up and put my bowl in to the sink.

The doorbell rang and I could hear my brother opening the door. There were voices, but I didn't really pay much attention to it until Tom yelled my name. "Ina someone is at the door for you." A sighed escape my lips before I walked out the kitchen.

Who would come for me? I came in the hall and saw Maddie standing at the door. "Hey Maddie." I said when she waved at me.

"Hey." She smiled at me, but I could see that something was wrong. "What ere you doing here?" I asked trying to ignore my brother who was looking at me. He knows something was wrong.

"I though maybe we could hangout or something." I nodded my head and let her inside.

"Why don't we go to my room." I said closing the door.

We walked up the stairs when Tom grabbed my arm. "Did something happen last night?"


Why can he see stuff like this?! I shook my head. "No nothing happen." Tom raise both his eye brows.

"Are you sure? Because that girl look scared as hell." He really can read people.

"Tom nothing happened." Tom shook his head.

"Ina you know that you can tell me anything right?" I nodded my. I hate lying to him, but if he knows what happen and with the teddy bear he will freak out and move again or lock me up in the house for the rest of my life, so that I don't do stupid stuff like that. "I know Tom. You will always be the person I will run to if something happen, but nothing is wrong." The look in his eyes told me that he still don't believe me.

I don't want him to be disappointed in me. What I did that night was wrong and I should have listen to him. It could have hurt me or any of my friends and it wasn't smart, but it happen and it's never going to happen again. "Okay, go before your friend is going to worry about you." I gave him a smile and he let my arm go.

Quickly I run upstairs to my room. I almost stop breathing when I saw Maddie in my room holding the teddy bear. "It happen to you too." She said looking at the bear.

Slowly I close the door behind me before walking to it. "Where did you find that?" I asked her.

"It was sitting on your bed when I came in your room." That's impossible.

I'm sure that I have thrown it in my closet and locket the door. "What did you mean with 'it happen to you two'?" She sit on my bed with the bear in front of her. I sat on the other side waiting for her to tell me.

"This is the bear you had in your hands in the asylum. You didn't brought it back with you, because you didn't have it in the car and when we ran away from those things, I saw it laying on the floor." Still don't answer my question.

She looked up at me putting the bear further away from me. "I had a horrible dream last night. I was tied to a metal table and there were those doctors with no faces. A bright light was above me and they keep on saying that I was sick and that my name was Madeleine Mary Green. My voice was gone and no matter what I did I couldn't speak. Then they got some operation tools and before they could reach me I woke up. It was so scary, it felt al so real." Tears were running down her cheek.

She really looked scared. "Why did they keep on calling you Green, your last name is Cooper." She shook her head. "That's the scary part. My full name is Madeleine Lucy Cooper. I was named after my grandmother. Madeleine Mary Green is my grandmothers name. Who was a patient at the asylum." I'm sure that I have the same scared look on my face as Maddie now.

"W-what?" I croaked out.

She nodded her head looking at me with the same scared expression on her face. "How do you know that?" I asked hoping that this was just a joke. "My mom used to tell me about her mother. How that one day when she was little some man in white came in their house and took her mom. Her dad always said that she was sick and that they had to help her. She never saw her mom again, so when I was born they name me after her. The weird thing was that her mom wasn't sick. She was normal, but they still took her." Did they really just took people from their houses?

Without knowing if they are really sick or not.

"Ina is all of this real? I mean... What if those things we saw yesterday come after us. They said that once you inter the asylum you're never getting out of it." By now she was freaking out.

Welcome to my life.

"Maddie relax. Everything is going to be okay. They won't get you I promise." I could say anything I want, but I don't know if it's true. Those things are real and I don't know if I can protect her from it. "Did you speak to the others about this?" I asked taking the bear.

She shook her head. "No, I know if I told them that they wouldn't believe me." I walked to my closet and throw the bear in it for the second time.

With a sighed I lock the door.

"We need tell them and asked them if something happen to them."

Near the Death (Under heavy editing!)Where stories live. Discover now