Chapter 39

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We have been here for the whole day. The sun was long gone and it was just us, the moon and the stars. Even though the day started really bad and sucky it ended really good. I'm never gonna forget the memories I have made today and I'm never gonna forget the people here.

Isn't it weird that even though you know people only for a short amount of time, you already love them. My heart hurts knowing I have to say goodbye to them, but it's the only way to make sure that I'm save, that my brother is save and that they are save. I wanna stay I really do, but if they get hurt thanks to me I can't forgive myself.

We made a little fire because it was getting darker and colder. Well al laugh while Drew and Luke did some silly faces. For the other we just sat there. We talked, we laughed, we lived. There was nothing more I always wanted. I always wanted to live.

I stood up and walked to the lake.

Do was snuggled up against Luke while he had his arm around her and gave her a kiss on the top of her head. Maddie and Drew were looking at each other while laughing. Slowly Drew took her hand in his intertwining their hand.

Something inside of me snapped. I realised that I can never have that. I can never love someone, without putting them in danger. Even though I truly wish I could, I just can't. I stop with walking when I came to the side of the lake. It was dark, but the moon light made I sparkle.

You don't see this very offend. Something dark that has something beautiful in him. Like I said before it's rare, but if you look for it you can find it. I wish I had my sketching book with me. I would have draw for hours. A sighed escape my lips while I look around. I out my arms around my stomach rubbing my hands on my arms.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" I turn around and saw Ian.

"Yeah it is. I really gonna miss this place." My eyes follow him when he walked to me.

"You know you could stay." I hook my head looking back at the lake.

"I can't, it's to dangerous. I don't want to bring anyone in danger because of me." I had never notice it before, but I could see the asylum from here. It's just behind the trees at the other side of the lake.

"We can put up a fight. You know that right?" A chuckle escape my mouth.

"I know, but fighting do not work. We have try it before, but it ended badly." I whisper the last part.

The last time we fought back. Both me and Tom got injured really badly. We barley could escape them, so we decided to never fight them again. Ian took my hand before tuning me around. "I want you to stay." He whisper putting his hand on my cheek.

The moment his hand touch my cheek image came flashing by my eyes.

'There was a dark room a few little lights gave some light. There was a group of people there dressed in black Jedi capes were covering their faces. They all stood in a circle and in the middle someone also dressed in a black cape. They were all saying things in a language I didn't understand. The room became silent before one speaking up. "My son you're ready." The person in the middle lifted his head up before pulling down his cape from his head. "Thank you father." The person in the middle was Ian.

I open my eyes again blinking a few time. Those people they were the same people who are after us. My eyes when to Ian who looked at me with a smirk.

"What's wrong love? Did you see something?" He's one of them.

My eyes widened with fear.

"You are one of the." I whisper taking a few steps back.

"Oh don't be scared love. I don't bite." I shook my head.

"No stay away from me!" I said a little bit louder. I was about to turn back around when he grab my wrist. "Not so fast. I thought you would see it sooner who I was, but then again you don't have a strong of a sight. No not as strong as your brother." By now I was trying to get my wrist out of his grip.

"Ian let go!" He still had this stupid smirk on his face.

"What going on?" Drew came walking towards us with Maddie close behind him. Do and Luke came walking towards us when they saw Drew. "Nothing we're just messing around." Ian said looking at Drew with a annoyed looked.

Drew ignored him and looked at me. "Ina what's going on?" I finally managed to get out of Ian's grip before turning to them.

"He's on of them. I saw it." I walked away from Ian.

"What is she talking about Ian?" Do asked walking towards me.

"Nothing she's just scared that they are coming. Don't listen to her." I shook my head looking back at Do and Luke. "No I saw it he's on of them." The look on their faces said that they believed me. "You have some explaining to do." Drew said crossing his arms over his chest.

Ian laughed looking around. "Okay you got me. I'm one of them." Maddie gasped looking at him. "How could you? I trusted you." I whisper looking at him.

He just shrugged his shoulders. "Why wouldn't I? My dad is in it and my grandfather was in it. Hell he even created the group." I fell sick.

I wanted to puke everything out what I had in my stomach. "But why would you go after Ina and her brother?" Do asked. "It's not only them. We hunt their people down. The people who see things that aren't there for normal people."

Yup I'm gonna puke.

"I need to go. I need to find my brother and go." I quickly said looking at them.

"If he told them I was here they are gonna come." A chuckle came from behind me and we all turn to Ian.

"Don't you think their already here? Why do you think you haven't have a texted from your brother yet? Wasn't he picking you up from school today?"

Oh my god!

This was a distraction for me.

"You asshole!" Drew punched him right in the nose.

Luke rush pass me hold back Drew, while Ian was on the floor holding his nose. "I need to go now!" I said again walking away from him.

"Ina you can't just go now!" I hear Maddie yell back at me when I started to run.

"I have to!" I ran further to the woods.

I needed to take a short cut to my house. When I was in the wounds in heard a scream behind me. Quickly I turn around and gasp.

They were here, those people in black were here. I saw how they took Maddie and Do, while Drew and Luke were trying to fight them of.

I could hear Do yelling at Ian for doing this. I couldn't help them. The only thing I could do now was to run. If I'm gone they are gonna let them free.

Quickly I turn back around and started to run to my house.

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