Chapter 17

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I couldn't sleep. Lightning still came across the sky. The events from last night kept me up. What ever that dark ghost was it could come back. And those two other ghost. Why did it feel safe with them? They gave me this warm feeling inside of me.

Tom was asleep next to me. It was like it didn't bother him at all. He is after all use to this. It's still hard for me. Slowly and carefully I stepped out the bed. I need to clear my mind. I walked out the room closing the door behind me.

There was no way I would go downstairs on my own, so I when to my room. I put my light on next to my bed before sitting down. A sighed escape my lips while I run a hand through my hair. I thought that this was a save place. But like Tom said before it is a old town.

A lot of people have died here.

I took my sketch book and pencil and open it on a blank page. I need to get it al out. Al my worries and al the things that have happen, it all have to come out. My hand began to draw lines, shadows, figures. Everything came on the page. That when on for a long time.

My pencil dropped out my hand when I heard a banging sound from my closet door. For a moment I thought that I imagine it, but a second later it happen again. I got up from my bed debating if I would open it or not. What ever is inside it wants to get out.

My closet door moved more when I got closer. Slowly my hand reach the door. Just open it. I close my eyes and took a deep breath. With one big pull I open the closet. Thinking that something would jump at me I open my eyes. To my surprise nothing was there.

What the hell?

I look down and saw the teddybear. I frown my eyebrows before picking it up from the ground. This bear can not have done it.


Suddenly a image came across my eyes.

Evelina was sitting in her dark cell. Blood was rushing out of her arm were they made a hole. It was burning, but she was to afraid to asked for help. It's been four year since she told them that she saw a black figure. Four years of torture. She know that it's been four years because she could hear the doctor saying it.

Ever since then see have seen people that have died here. She had no idea why she sees them now and not before.

Bruise covered her legs.

Her wrist and ankles were sore from strapping her to a table. She felt so sorry for her parents and brother. They have been through this longer then her. Evelina grabbed the bear from beside her hugging it tightly. It was the only thing that kept her calm.

Every single day she alone. She don't see her parents or brother. It's been months since she last saw them. The didn't look good. When she talked to her parents she could feel them slipping away more. They barley recognise her.

Her brother is a little bit better. He's still fighting and don't want to let go. She don't want him to let go. If he's gone she's gonna be alone. But then again one day she's going to slip away too.

A cold breeze when through the cell.

Evelina look up and saw a woman standing in front of her. She had no idea how that she got in here, because the door was still locket. But them. It hit her. She was a ghost. Just like her brother told her. She and her family can see ghost and that's why their trapped here.

Nobody believe them.

Something was wrong about this woman. A smile came to the woman's face making Evelina scared.

"Hello little girl." Evelina pulled the teddybear closer when she heard the woman's voice.

"Please leave me alone." Evelina whisper scared that she would get hurt more.

The woman's cold dark laugh made her tear up. "I want someone to play with." A sob escape Evelina's mouth.

She shook her head with tears running down her cheek. "I don't want to play." Her voice was barley loud enough.

The woman's smile disappeared. Without a warning the woman launch at her. A scream escape Evelina's mouth when the two hands of the woman came around her neck. "Help! Help me!"

The woman let her go and Evelina crawl to the door. She banged her hands against it hoping that I would open. To her luck the door ope revealing two nurses and the doctor.

"What's happening here!" He asked sternly.

Ever since she told him about seeing that figure the doctor began hating her. "There was a woman her and she try to kill me, by choking me." Evelina sobbed.

Her neck was burning. There were for sure bruises on, now they have to believe her. "There is nobody here." Evelina turn around and saw that the woman had disappeared. No she was here a minute ago.

"But there was. Look at my neck it's burning. Please you have to believe me." She begged. The nurses look at her neck and indeed there were two hands marks on them.

"Nurse take her to the white room, so that she can't hurt herself anymore."

They think she hurt herself?

No she hadn't done that.

But nurses grabbed a arm and dragged her out her cell. Evelina look behind her and saw the doctor standing in her cell looking at her, but behind him stood the woman with a evil smile.

Why do she even try.

The images disappeared and I was back in my own room. Something wet slide out my nose.

My finger when to it and when I pull back I saw blood. Before I could do something I fell to the floor while the darkness consume my sight and mind.

Near the Death (Under heavy editing!)Where stories live. Discover now