Chapter 15

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Maddie drove us to Do's house. If she dreamed about something she would tell us. Quickly we knocked on her door. "Do you think she would tell us?" I asked Maddie.

She knows Do longer than me. Normally people would lie about it, because they don't understand it or are scared of it. "I think she would." I nodded my head.

The door open revealing Do with Luke behind her. She didn't look good. It's like she didn't had any sleep last night the same for Luke. "Hey guys." She said weakly trying to act normal. I look at Maddie before looking back at Them. "We need to talk." Was all I said.

We were sitting in her bedroom. "So what do you wanna talk about?" She asked looking at Maddie and me. Maddie looked at me waiting for me to say something. "Uhm last night when you guys were asleep did you dream about something....crazy?" Her eyes widened when I said crazy.

Luke pull her closer when she looked at him. "H-how did you know that?" Do whispered looking back at us. I look at Maddie for a sec before looking back at her. I took a deep breath before telling her everything. I had no idea if they believed us, but the look on their faces said yes.

Something most of happen last night.

"We had a nightmare too last night." Luke said when I was finished.

"We had the same one, which is impossible." He added.

Nothing is impossible in my world.

"We were trapped in the asylum. They told us before that we couldn't be together because we were both sick and because we were together they want to punish us." Do told us with tears in her eyes.

"They brought us to a room and both strapped us down on chairs. One bye one they put electrical wires on us. It was death silent for a while until I heard a switch go of. Electricity rush through my body. I screamed my lungs out, but they didn't stop. After a while I heard Luke screaming. That when on for another few minutes until it stopped. We both woke up after that. First we thought that it was just coincidence that we had the same dream, but then we saw these." Do pulled up her sleeve revealing a few burn marks. Luke did the same thing and he too had burn marks.

"So this is really happening." Maddie said looking at us.

What if I tell them about me? After what happen with them they have to believe me, right? But there is a chance that they are going to think that I'm a freak or crazy. Maybe I should tell Tom about this. I know he's going to be mad, but this is just all to crazy. "Did Ian had a nightmare too?" I heard Maddie asking Luke.

He shook his head. "I don't know I haven't heart from him yet." Maybe he's lucky and didn't have a nightmare.

We all stayed together for a little while.

We didn't talked about the dreams or the asylum. It was more about stupid things. Nobody wanted to talk about it and we all wanted to forget it. I look outside and saw that there came dark clouds. Great rain.

"Guys I need to go. It looks like it's going to rain and Tom wants be home." I stood up from the bed.

"Do you want to sleep over Maddie? I don't want to be alone tonight." Do asked her.

"Yeah I don't want to be alone either and I heard that there is a thunder storm coming." No I hate thunder storms! Now I want to go home faster.

"I need to home too. I would drive you home Ina, but I live across the street." Luke said standing up from the bed.

"It's okay I can walk, it's not that far." Let's just hope that it won't rain until I get home. We all when downstairs and said good bye.

"So what are we gonna do know?" Me and Luke were walking down the front steps. I shrug my shoulders looking at him. "I don't know. Hoping that it will pass by." He nodded his head.

"Let's hope. I see you Monday at school, bye." He walked across the street to his house.

Slowly I started to walk back to my house. To my luck it started to rain. The rain dropped made my hair stick to my face. I began to walked faster when more rain came falling from the sky. Thunder ring through the air, making me jump. I could see my house.

Almost home.

I look behind me and saw two dark figures walking behind me. I didn't saw their face because they had hats on their head blocking their face. Something feel bad about it. I turn back around and almost fell to the floor when they stood in front of me.

No human can move that fast.

Lightning struck through the sky lighting up the world a little. For a split second I could see their faces. Blue white eyes, pale white skin, lips tightly together. I was scared to move. My house was right there. I'm pretty sure that if Tom would look out the window he would see me. What ever these ghost wants I don't think I can help them.

Slowly my feet began to move. Not looking away from them I began to walk to the house. When I was on a good distance I began to run tot the door. Quickly I open it and slam it shut locking it.

"Ina?" Tom came out of the living room looking confuse.

"What happened?"

I was shaking. Not only from the cold and the rain, but also from those two ghost. "There were two ghost outside. They just looked at me, but I could feel that something was wrong about them." Tom walked to the window and looked outside.

Please be gone, please be gone.

I walked to the window next to Tom. There they were, standing next to each other. They were still there. Another thunder echo through the sky making me jump again.

"What do they want?" I whisper to Tom.

"I don't know, but let's not fined out." He closed the curtain, so that they couldn't see us anymore

Near the Death (Under heavy editing!)Where stories live. Discover now