Chapter 41

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My world came crumbling down all at ones. I...I'm...I mean....I'm Evelina. If he is telling the truth then I'm her. "You're lying!" I cried out. The man chuckle shaking his head. "Why would I lie about that? Why don't you asked your dear old brother?" He step to the side so that I could look at Tom.

Regret and guilt filled his eyes when I looked at him. "Tom is he telling the truth?" I croak out.

"Yes." A sob escape my lips while more tears run down my cheek.

"I'm sorry I was trying to protect you!" He wanted to take a step towards me, but the two men behind him took his arms pulling him back.

"How could you? She was trying to figure things out about herself, while you just keep on lying." The man said again.

"Shut up!" Tom growled.

The man chuckle taking a step towards him.

"You can't make me do anything. You're the one being held back and now I'm going to take you and your sister with me back to where you two belong." My back was facing them while I listen to their conversation.

My eyes travel up meeting Ian's eyes.

That stupid smirk was still on his face. I hope for him that he don't hurt any of his friends. His green eyes were filled with power and lust. He didn't even care what they are gonna do with us. He only want to show his dad that he can be a bad guy.

"Take them outside."

Someone grabbed my arm roughly dragging me outside the house. I didn't struggle or tarty to run away. What was the point. The one person I trusted the most lied to me. I was so lost and scared for those years. My mind told me I was going crazy and I had no idea why. Even my own parents weren't my real parents. I always thought that something was wrong with them being my parents. They never really felt like parents to me, but I always blamed it on my memory lost.

We came to a black van and one of the man open the back doors. They push me inside almost making me fall down. A hand grabbed grabbed my hair pulling me further in the van. He push on the seat that was on the side and left.

Ian came in with a smirk on his face. He had a rope in his hands. "Hands up love." I really didn't pay much attention to what he said. I was in daze. My vision was blurry from the tears in my eyes.

"Don't make me hurt you." Slowly I nodded my head and put my hands above my head. His warm fingertips brush against my hands while he tied the robe around my wrist to a metal tube above my head. A whimper escape my lips while he tightened the rope. He look down to my face when he was done. I close my eyes when his hand when to my cheek.

"Don't worry love. You're gonna be home soon I promise." He let go and walked out the van. My head fell forward while more tears run down my cheek. How could I be so blind? I the feeling I had in the begging from him was hate, so why didn't I stay away from him? I was I so blind for wanting friends that I let him slip through?

The van moved agains when more people inter it. I look up and saw that they push Tom on the seat on the other side. He was trying to get out of their grip, but they were with three and he was alone. "You get handcuffs instead of ropes. We don't want you to escape do we?" A man smirk while handcuffing his hands to the tube above his ahed.

Everyone got out of the van leaving us alone. I look to the doors and saw the man from before. "Let's go home kids." He close the door leaving us in the darkness. Soon the van started to drive. I fell sick to the stomach. Not only because of the ride, but because of my passed.

All those things I saw happen to Evelina happen to me. All the pain, all the suffering, all the torturing, everything happen to me, still I don't have any memory form it. Not that I want to remember all of it, but I would be nice to remember my really parents. I know they died, but that's it.

Near the Death (Under heavy editing!)Where stories live. Discover now