Chapter 10

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It was dark around me and I wanted to scream, but nobody could help me. If it was a ghost they wouldn't see him. The hand was still on my mouth preventing me to say something. There was a clicking sound before a light came.

"Boo!" Ian was standing in front of me with a smirk.

He uncover my mouth before taking a step back. Seriously! "You scared the shit out of me!" His smirk grew wider.

"I know and I was fun to see it." I rolled my eyes at him before looking around.

I though that we were in a cell, but I was wrong. We were in a office. There was a old desk in front of two big windows who are border up. Old bookshelves were covered with books and dust.

"This most been the warden office." Ian said when he looked around.

I walked to a cabinet and open it.

It was filled with files.

Drawer after drawer it was filled wit files.

"Wow there most have been a lot of people here." He said when he came standing next to me. And I a lot of them had died.

"Ina! Ian!" Maddie came walking through the door with Luke and Do behind her.

"What are you guys doing here?" Do asked.

"This idiot here thought it was fun to scare the crap out of me." I said pointing to Ian.

He held up his hands in defines holding in his laughter. "Can we go, this room give me the creeps." Maddie said when she looked around.

She's right I was so got up with Ian and the files that I had push that feeling away from me. "Yeah. Why don't we just go home." Do said.

Yes let's go home I want to forget all of this really fast. "Oh come on nothing bad happen and we haven't seen everything." Ian said.

Of course he want to stay.

"Let's just watch one more room and then we go." Luke said wrapping his arm around Do's waist. We all nodded before walking out the door.

"Here." Maddie said giving me my flashlight. I had dropped it in the hallway when Ian dragged me in to the office.


It was silent and only our footsteps were making noise.

Until BANG!

One of the cell door slam shut. BANG another. BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG all the doors slam shut. Do was holding onto Luke for her life while he looked around with his flashlight. Maddie was standing behind Ian grabbing his arm. I was standing frozen on the spot.

All our flashlights were pointing at one direction. My hand began to shake when I saw a figure standing in the light. His face was hazy. I couldn't see his eyes, mouth or anything from his face. He was wearing a brown suite that looked really old.

Slowly he began to walk closer.

No, no, please no.

Do's and Luke's light when out when he was with them. "What the hell!" I hear Luke mutter when his light when out. Maddie screamed when hers and Ian's light when out and that was when the man passed them. He was walking towards me in a normal pace. I could see the darkness around him and I could feel all the pain he had causes.

The man stopped right in front of me. My breath was short and I was sure that was going to pass out. A low laugh escape what I think was his mouth. The other most have heard it because Do and Maddie screamed.

Then my light when out.

We were all in complete darkness.

I had no idea if the man was still in front of me or not. Suddenly all of our lights when back on. The man was gone and I felt empty inside. Like he took everything what I felt and left only emptiness and loneliness.

"Can we go now!" Maddie asked panicking.

Do nodded looking at Luke. "Let's go." He said walking away with Do in his arms.

I look at Ian and saw him staring into the hallway. "Ian. Let's go." Maddie said making him snap out of his gaze. He nodded his head and walked away with her. Without saying a word or looking back I follow them. We came in to the front desk again when we heard doors slamming open from the hallway we were in.

We all stopped and look back. All the doors were now open and for a second nothing happen, until we heard whispers. The whispers came from the cells. The words I understood were, killed, sick, locked, burn, pain, kill them, hurt.

My eyes widened when I saw a figure appearing from one of the cell. He was dress in white, just like a patient would be. Suddenly another one came from a different cell and another. Out of every cell a figure appear. I was sure that I was the only one who could see them until heard Do.

"What the hell are those!" I turn around and saw everyone looking at them with fear.

They saw them too.

I turn back around and saw that figures were walking towards us. "We need to go now!" Luke say when they were getting really close. We all began to run. Screaming began to fill the air when we reach hall that would lead us to the eating area.

Doors began the slam shut around us.

We finally reach the eating area. We're almost there. Tables and chairs began to move making it harder for us to run to the kitchen. I took a quick glance behind me and saw that the figures were at the door.

"Faster!" I hear Ian yell.

We ran to the kitchen, to the open window. First Do and Luke climb through it. The pots and plates behind me started to move making incredible noises.

Maddie and Ian climb through it leaving me alone. I could heard the door slam open when I was halve through the window. I was almost outside when something grab my leg.

A scream escape my lips when it began to pull me back inside.

"Ina!" Maddie screamed grabbing my hand.

Luke, Do and Ian grabbed my arms and began to help Maddie pull me back. It let go of my leg and they dragged me outside. "Are you okay?" Do asked.

I nodded my head looking back at the window.

Suddenly someone tryed to jump at us making us all scream. We all ran to the car hoping it wouldn't follow us. The moment we were al in the car Luke stepped on the gas and drove away from the asylum.

Near the Death (Under heavy editing!)Where stories live. Discover now