Chapter 33

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We laid Tom on the couch the moment we got inside the house. Quickly I when to the bathroom and got some washing cloths and towels. When I came downstairs I saw that Scott was looking outside the windows.

I when to the kitchen and grabbed a big bowl, that I fill with water. Scott came in the kitchen and looked if the back door was locked. "What are you doing?" I asked taking the bawl from under the faucet.

"I'm looking if everything is locked." I nodded my head before walking back to the living room.

Kneeling down next to Tom I put a washing cloth inside the bowl. His face wasn't bad. He just had some cuts, but there came blood from under his sweater. Carefully I open it and gasp when I saw what caused the bleeding.

His shirt was ripped. Blood was rushing out of the three big cuts on his chest that runs to his stomach.

No this can't be.

'I look at his clothes and my eyes widened. His plaid shirt was ripped at his stomach were blood was covering it. Like a big claw of some sort of animal scratch him or someone cut it several times.'

It's really them.

A hand grabbed my shoulder making me jump. "Ina are you okay?" I look behind me and saw that it was Scott.

"Those cuts. It's not the first time he had them." I whisper looking up at him.

"What do you mean?" I look back at Tom with tears in my eyes.

"That night when my parents were killed. He came running in my room and he had the same cuts, but only on his stomach and smaller." I snapped out of my daze and pulled his shirt up so that I could clean the cuts better.

I grabbed the cloth and gently dept the blood away. "It means that they are here and the they found us." I whisper with tears in my eyes.

With in the second the cloth was covered in blood. "I don't want to move again Scott. I'm sick of running. This isn't a life, this is a prison. Yeah we might be free to run were ever we want to run, but were prisoners under those people."

I rinse out the cloth in the bowl before dipping it on a new cut. "I know Ina, I know." Scott said sitting in the one seat cough.

"And now we have to run again, but I don't know if we can. Tom is hurt and I have no idea where I have to take us." By now the bowl was red from al his blood.

"That's it." I look Scott confuse.

"What's it?"

"That's why they hurt Tom and didn't come after you. I saw that they had bumped into you earlier that night. I though that they would do something, but they didn't. You just walked away and they didn't follow you either. When I saw them with Tom I thought they had you, but when they took him in the woods and I found you I knew that something was wrong. They knew that Tom would run again with you if he found out that they are in town, so they hurt him." They hurt him so that we can't run away again.

"They know that I wouldn't leave him behind." I whisper looking at Tom.

"They're not going to attack now." Scott said standing up from his seat.

"They want to make you afraid Ina. Don't be afraid of them." I look back at Scott with tears in my eyes.

"I'm not afraid of them, I'm afraid to lose my brother." I whisper.

Scott was upstairs looking if al the windows were locked. I was done with cleaning up Tom's wounds and I put a bandage around his chest and stomach so that I would stop with bleeding.

I when back to the kitchen to put everything away. I pore the now red water in the sink before washing my hands. I watch how all the blood washed away from my hands. With a sighed I walk back to Tom.

I sat back next to him and brush some hair out his face. I really want him to wake up. If they come and we have to run he has to be awake. When my fingers touch his face again image came flashing by, but this time it was different. It was like I was in a dream.

Ten year old Evelina was sitting in her cell. It was late and she was about to fall asleep when her door open.

They throw a teenage boy inside before closing the door. Evelina sat up from her old and broken mattress to see who it was.

"Hello?" The boy looked up from the ground when he heard a voice. "Evelina." She stood up from the matters and run to her brother.

When she throw her arms around him he let out a groan, but hugged her back. She pulled away looking confuse at him. "Are you hurt?" He looked down at his stomach and Evelina followed his gaze.

There came some blood out his stomach. "It's okay. It only hurts a little." He whisper brush some hair out Evelina's face. She gave him a sad look knowing that they hurt her brother.

"I'm sorry." She hugged him again, but know she was more carful. She didn't want to hurt him more.

A chuckle escape his mouth and he hugged her back. "Can you stay with me this time. I'm so alone here and afraid." She whisper holding her brother closer.

"I wish I could, but they are gonna come for me any second now." He whisper back rubbing her back gently.

"And I'm know you're afraid of the doctors and nurse here."

She shook her head pulling away from him a little. "It's not the doctors and nurses I'm afraid of." Her voice trembled of fear.

"What are you afraid of then?"

She looked around hoping that nothing was there before leaning closer to her brother. "I'm afraid of the people who aren't really there." She whisper in his ear.

For other people it would have sound crazy, but he understood what she was talking about. "Did they hurt you?" He asked when she pulled away.

Slowly Evelina nodded her head. "Where?" She pulled her arm up, so that he could see what happen. His eyes winded when he saw three long fingernail prints on the young girl's arm.

"When did that happen?" It didn't look that old, but it don't look fresh either.

"Last week. There was a man and a woman here who attacked me. When I called for help and the nurse came they were gone." A tear run down her cheek.

He pulled her again in his arm letting her cry for a little. When he looked over her shoulder he saw the bear. A small smile came on his face when took it. Evelina pulled away and looked down at the bear in his hands.

"He's the only one I got here." She whisper letting her hand brush over the bears arm.

"I'm sorry. I wish I could stay." He gave her the teddy before kissing her forehead.

The door open and they both knew that it was time.

"You're not alone Evelina remember that. Me, mom and dad will always be with you no matter what happen."he quickly said before two men took both a arm of him dragging him out the room.

Evelina fell to her knees holding the bear close.

I open my eyes again when I heard a knock. My hands was still on Tom's forehead.

Why would I have dream or a vision from Evelina now?

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