Chapter 2

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Ajax laid awake in his king sized bed. He couldn't sleep. A certain blue eyed beauty had captured his mind and heart. He kept replaying the scene from his office when he laid his eyes on her. That was the only memory of her which he had. He had checked the whole background report Victor had made. All of her education and medical history along with her family and friends.

He got to know that she had fallen from a tree and broken her leg at the age of seven. Quiet a monkey, she was. The rest were some routine check ups and seasonal colds.

The file also contained some of her pictures. He had stared at them for hours. They were still placed on his bed side table.

Ajax let out a deep sigh as he pictured her with himself. Oh, how much he wanted his queen in his bed right now. He would do so many sinful things to her. She couldn't even imagine what was going to happen to her.

Ajax took one of her picture from the side table. After staring at it for few minutes, he put it on his chest and closed his eyes, hoping to sleep with her in his embrace one day. His dreams were also invaded by his love.


"It's a really good thing Amy. I'm so happy for you" April hugged Amelia.

"I don't know, I don't think I'm going to take it" Amelia sighed. She had gotten a paid internship offer from the SK Enterprises's main branch. She had recieved the email just this morning and was confused since then.

"Why Amy? It's a great opportunity" Grace said.

"I just want to spend some time with my family. I mean, we have been here for whole semester now. I just want to go back to my Mom" Amelia explained.

"Awww... That's fine Amy. We know you have been homesick lately." Shay side hugged her.

"Yeah, you can turn the offer down if you want to, it's all upto you" April told her.

"Or may be recommend me. I'll be a good alternative for them" Grace presented the idea. It wasn't a common thing to be offered internship at SK Enterprises. Nobody would wanna lose that chance but Amelia had her reasons.

"It doesn't work like that Gracie" April told her.

"Whatever! Their loss" Grace folded her arms and raised her chin.

"So, can we go for shopping today?" Shay asked.

"Yeah, if everyone is free" April said.

"I also need to get something for Stacy" Amelia said.

"Good thing I've done my laundry" Gracie said proudly. The girls laughed at their lazy friend.


"Queen turned down the offer, King" Victor said as he read the email.

Ajax looked up from his work at the mention of his girl. He wasn't very pleased with the information but it didn't matter, he would still make her his.

"She mentioned that she wanted to visit home this summer break" Victor informed him.

"Security?" Ajax asked.

"I've assigned some of our trusted men for the task. They will directly report back to you and me. No harm will come to the Queen in our protection" Victor said.

"Hmmm... Bring me the fools now" Ajax told him and Victor left bowing.

Few minutes later, he entered the room with guards draging two well beaten men. Those were the people who were fool enough to bribe their way into getting the tender which belonged to the king.

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