Chapter 45

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10 June, 2023


Author's Note:

☘️Tbh this story is getting boring for me. I no longer feel excited to write new chapters.

☘️I guess I was into con- noncon part only.

☘️Is it boring for you guys too?

☘️I hope you enjoy!

Third Person POV:

"Yes, I love you too" Amelia cooed booping Knox's nose. It barked and stuck his tongue out.

Ajax rolled his eyes for the nth time. He had come home early to spend some time with his wife just to see her confessing her love for her dog. It had been her pet for few days only and she already loved it.

Ajax had tried to tell Helen to take Knox away but Amelia didn't let it go, saying it was Knox's time to play. Ajax's time would come at night. He swore he wouldn't let her go in his time. He would make the best out of it. Well, as much as she would allow because now a days everything was in her control.

She had become a cock blocker for him. She wouldn't allow him to have sex with her and he wouldn't fuck any other girl beside his wife. He could touch her, kiss her, bite her. He could even strip her and mark every square inch of her body but he couldn't get any further. He was scared that if he would try to have sex with her, it would break her again.

He didn't want to ruin all of his efforts and the improvement he had made in their relationship by trying so hard. She wasn't ready to give him or their relationship a chance but she was getting habitual to him, unknowingly. He had made a routine for them to share everything with eachother.

After coming back from office, he would pull her to his lap and ask her about her day. At first, she would keep quiet but seeing that he wouldn't let her move without speaking, she started sharing. He would tell her about his day too; his work and how much he missed her. He wanted to make her feel an important part of his life.

They had showers, breakfast and dinner together. At first, she would sleep all day but after he brought her Knox, she would play with him all day. The also napped together. They watched her favourite seasons and his favourite cartoons together.

In initial days, Ajax had to come back from office a few times to pacify a crying Amelia. She would sometimes get into these crying sessions, which Helen couldn't control. Helen would call Ajax and he would come home just to cradle Amelia in his arms.

She used to hit him because he was the reason of her tears. But she would always end up sleeping in his arms. He was warm, big and comfortable. Plus, he had a very protective hold.

Now they had movie nights and other snack times. She was used to his constant need of touching her. She knew he was giving her some time to adjust. He did give her space and a little freedom. He took all of her crying, screaming and hitting without a word.

He didn't leave her in her depressing period. Whenever she cried, she always had his shoulder. Never once he got fed up of her crying which was a lot in the start. He even knew how to calm her during her panic attacks. He took great care of her needs. He never let her starve and always kept track of her mood swings.

She was a handful but she was his and he had taken her responsibility which he was gladly fulfilling. He would sometimes get too touchy with her but he never crossed the line. He hated her resistance but he tried not to get angry on her. Plus, whatever he did was very soft. He had gotten a lot more gentle.

If she hisses at his bites, he would ask her if he hurt her too much. He just intended to mark her, not to hurt her. He was constantly taking cold showers to relieve himself and not to take his anger out on her. She knew her effect on him. She had flaunted her body in front of him a few times which had made him curse under his breath.

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