Chapter 38

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Author's Note:

◾️I don't usually reply to your comments but know that I do read, like and appreciate them.

◾️Thank you for all of your praises in the comment section as well as on my message board.

🔹I tried to clear a few things out for you guys about this story, it's plot, pace and progress. Hope all of you got the message from my board.

✳️ I had written most of this chapter really early but then I got very busy with some personal stuff. Even now I'm skipping a scene bcz I want to give you this update after all of ur requests.

✳️ Hope you'll enjoy it!

Third Person POV:

Amelia took a sip of her coffee. She felt comfort having the warm mug in her hands along with the smooth patterns which her partner was drying on the smooth skin of her waist.

Ajax could feel her getting relaxed in his arms. He felt nice. They were sitting in the balcony of their room, watching the sunset and sipping their evening coffee. He had wrapped Amelia in a shawl when she kept shivering. Although the weather was nice, specially after the few rainy nights. But she was feeling a little cold, hence the coffee made by her husband.

Amelia closed her eyes as she felt Ajax placing a soft kiss on her head. It almost seemed like they were a perfect couple. But the marks on her body which were peeking from behind her clothes, said otherwise. Although he had given her many new marks after her last punishment. But the bites he gave her that night were too deep to fade in few days.

She had only bitten him to get out of his hold. But her one bite had put her through a lot. He wasn't actually a monster. But in her case, HE WAS. It was all relevant to the fact that he was forcing her.

If it was a normal wedding, he would've been considered an amazing husband. She didn't expect it from him but he was taking good care of her. He never let her do a single chore and kept check of her every need and request. He never ignored her. All of his time, love and energy was for her and her only. He wanted to give her the world but all he wanted in return was her love.

Ajax placed the now empty mug on the table. They had been watching the beautiful scenery for quite some time. Although the silence between them was comforting but he wanted to hear her sweet voice. "Talk to me!" He more of requested. When she didn't say anything, he lightly nudged her. She cleared her throat to get rid of the hoarsness due to his actions, just few hours ago. "W-what?" She asked, not knowing what to say.

"I want to hear your beautiful voice" He caressed the side of her cheek. She was looking ethereal due to the yellow light of setting sun falling on her creamy skin and illuminating it. She closed her eyes fighting a battle within her. She wanted to say that he could force her voice out, like he does every night. But she knew that it would only get her in trouble.

She raised her head from his shoulder and turned away from him. He took the now empty mug from her hands to place it on the table, making her miss it's warmth. Instead, he pulled her back by his arm which was around her, giving her the warmth of his body.

He held her chin and made her look at him. Her ocean eyes shone like crystal pearls due to the evening sunlight falling on them. "You know, you are very beautiful!" He said, his voice sounded under her influence. He was mesmerized by her beauty and by the fact that someone so beautiful belonged to him.

"I know. Y-you did this t-to m-me...because I'm...beautiful" She said. Her words were hesitant but she felt like her insides were pushing them out. She didn't want to remain silent all the time. His eye brows creased in a fown. "Baby I love you for you. Not only because you are beautiful but because you have a beautiful soul" He said. He sounded almost desperate to clear the wrong thoughts in her mind.

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