Chapter 64

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26th December, 2023

Words Count: 4736

Author's Note:

☃️Ajax's pov.

☃️I got tired too fast. Never push me to do it again please.


Ajax's Pov:

I love you too....

I love you too....

I love you too....

Those four words were ringing in my head. She loved me! The love of my life, my wife, my world! She finally loved me back. Last night after I made sex to her, she confessed and then literally passed out after that. She was exhausted so I let her rest. Honestly I didn't want to press too much and jinx it or something.

I gently ran my fingers on her soft cheek. She looked beautiful while sleeping. She always looked beautiful. But I liked her the most when she was naked and peacefully resting in my arms. This is where she belonged. This is where I've always wanted to see her. And today she was here with her own will. Because she loved me!

I never thought someone would be able to love me. Me? The fucking mafia king! I had blood of many on my hands. My heart was dark and soul was tainted. I had done sins people would tremble by only thinking about them. And yet, she finally fell in love with me. Oh how badly I had wanted her to reciprocate my feelings.

My gaze moved towards her cleavage. There was a rose petal, which looked beautiful in contrast to her milky skin. There were a few more in her brunette hair. She had her arms wrapped around me. She was hugging me, seeking warmth in my body. She was my dear wife. Mine!


Third Person POV:

Amelia moaned in her sleep amd moved closer to Ajax who was already staring at her. He placed gentle kisses on her close eyes one by one and then moved towards her lips. He ever so gently pressed against her red swollen lips. She made another moaning sound and her lips automatically moved to kiss him back.

He left her lips and she finally opened her eyes. "Good morning!" He lovingly greeted her. "G-ood morning!" She greeted back with a smile but her throat felt a little sore from all the screaming and moaning she did last night.

He smirked knowing he did that to her. He cupped her left cheek and she nuzzled in his his hand. "How do you feel?" He asked. "I don't think I-I can feel my l-legs" She said. This made him think. Did he go too far last night? He didn't want to mess anything up.

"But it feels good to be yours" She shyly told him, lifting his worries. "I'm yours too" He told her. "Yes, I marked you last night. Here!" She cheekily told him, touching his neck. He took his cell phone from the side table and saw his neck. It was a small light pink mark where she had nibbled on his skin. "It's beautiful" He told her. It was her mark, it was precious to him. He was going to prance around all day with it on the show. He would even wear tee shirts for it to be visible to others.

"This looks even more beautiful" He told her, pressing at a certain point on her neck and she lightly winced. It was a big dark red almost purple mark with teeths imprinted on it and a little dried blood. "You bit me hard" She pouted, complaining. "I did!" He grinned.

"I couldn't help myself" He told her, pressing on the wound. She whined and tried to move away from him but he didn't allow her. "Shhh.... It will be okay. I'll suck on it to soothe the pain" He told her. He wasn't going to put an ointment on it. He didn't want it to heal.

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