Chapter 62

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11th December, 2023

Words Count: 6125

Author's Note:

🎂I don't know when this happened.

🎂But here it is.

🎂So Enjoy!

Third Person Pov:

"Ajax... I'm working" Amelia was working on her laptop. It had been almost a month since she joined her dad's office and it was going well. She had been a lot busy recently, hence she couldn't give proper time to her husband and her adorable puppy. Ajax had been a lot supportive and understanding in this whole month. But seemed like, his patience had worn off today.

Amelia had too much work, so she brought some home. Ajax had been compromising with her divided attention these past few weeks but it was enough. Tonight he wasn't in the mood to let her go. He had filled her neck with his marks and his next aim was her chest.

"Ajax, Noooo....." She tried to reprimand him when he snatched her laptop and put it away. But her words ended in a moan when he pressed her left boob. He laid her down and hovered above her. "Stop!" She shrieked when he ripped open her nightie's top. His tongue swiped on his lips in a quick flash, like a starved man. His eyes zeroed on her round creamy mounds.

He dipped his head in her cleavage, making her squeak and try to squirm away. He didn't let her though. "Ajax" She pulled his hair to get his face out of her bossoms. He raised his head and glared at her. She would've been scared of that angry glare if he didn't look like a kicked puppy. "I don't like you giving attention to petty stuff. I don't like sharing you and your time with anything else" He told her.

"Work is important" She argued.

"You are mine!" He growled. She was very much aware of his posessiveness and obsession towards her. She knew he couldn't share her. She tried to handle his anger with caution; "Yes I am and my time is yours but I need to focus on office work" "I don't like you giving attention to petty stuff. You should only think about me" He told her. This was something new, she didn't understand why was he acting like that. May be, she ignored him so much that it pushed his limits.

She placed a hand on his left cheek and cupped his face. "I will give you more time from now on, okay?" She asked. He nuzzled her hand and hummed. His head slowly dropped on her chest. "Turn the lights off, work was tiring today" He said closing his eyes, getting too comfortable on her clouds.

She hit his head saying; "Hypocrite!" She took the remote and turned the lights off, along with locking the door.


Amelia hummed sipping her coffee while Knox played on the carpet with his squeeze ball. Ajax had ordered her to take the day off since she had been overworking herself. When she woke up this morning with darker and under eye bags, that was the last straw. He called Arnold and barked at him not to put too much workload on his wife.

He offered to appoint a secretary for her. He could pay for her salary. She refused, hence he ordered her to stay at home today.

Amelia signalled a maid dusting a table near her. The maid came towards her and asked; "Yes mam!"

"Kindly tell Helen to come here" Amelia politely told her and the maid left obliging the order. Amelia was banned from entering kitchen so she couldn't go to Mrs. Diaz herself

"Yes Mrs. Santiago! You called me?" Helen left all of her work to attend to her queen.

"Yes, come sit" Amelia said keeping the now empty mug aside which a maid immediately took away. Helen sat on the couch but at some distance. She knew her sir would want her to maintain distance from her mam. "As you know it's your sir's birthday tomorrow, so I wanted to know how does he celebrate it?" Amelia asked.

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