Chapter 51

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1st September, 2023

Words Count: 4452


Author's Note:

🧊 Enjoy!

Third person POV:

"I don't understand, how are we gonna get ahold of that girl!" Adler Finley gritted his teeth in anger. His men had been unsuccessful in their last attack. Ajax had put a tight security around his wife.

"We did everything. We even bought a rat" Mike Santiago said, sipping on his scotch. It was too difficult to kidnap Mrs. Santiago so they plan to attack and kill her at spot. Abducting qn adult human out of the tight security of a mafia king was too difficult for them.

"The bitch got saved by few inches" Courtney seethed in anger. They had a good plan. They hired men who were skilled in their work but were also willing to die. They were perfect to make a headshot and kill a person in one shot.

Adler knew that Ajax's men might be able to catch some of the shooters alive. So he didn't use his own men but hired those who were in dire need of money. They would kill themselves or bear all of Ajax's torture till death but wouldn't say a word. In return, their families were already given loads of money.

It was not difficult for Santiago to do a background check and reach those guy's families. To be prepared for such situation, the men were ordered not to share a single thing with their families. They were threatened with the lives of their lived ones, if they were to tell a single living soul about the killing contract of Mrs. Santiago.

"It's all okay. We had a good plan. It might have failed but we won't get caught" Mike stated.

"You are right. And after some time, we can strike again" Adler devised the second attack.

"Ajax's men are too skilled, we need to be clever this time" Mike told them.

"When the right time will come, we'll strike again. And this time, that girl will not be saved" Courtney smirked evilly.

"How is it going with Santiago's investigation?" Adler asked Mike.

"So far he has gotten nothing. He knows someone leaked the information, but he can't figure who it was" Mike replied.

"Who was it? Who helped us?" Adler asked in curiosity.

"The lesser people knowing, the better it will be" Mike smirked.


"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!" Ajax's loud roar rang in the room.

"A week. It's been a whole fucking week and you are telling me that we have gotten nothing!" He barked at Victor who quietly heard all the scolding and curses being thrown at him. After all, he deserved it. He might have been able to save his queen but he has been continuously failing to figure out who was behind the attack.

Ajax tried everything in his hands to find out who was behind the attack on his wife but he couldn't get a single clue. Such a shame! A mafia king like him, and still unable to find the person who ordered to kill his wife. His men caught two guys alive in the attack. Before he or Victor could investigate them, one of the guy swallowed his toxic molar and killed himself.

Ajax's men were able to prevent the second guy from killing himself but he had consumed enough poison to slowly detriotate him. Victor and Ajax tortured the living hell out of that guy but he didn't speak a single word about who ordered the kill. It was difficult to find his family, so he could be tortured through them. The asshole had hidden them well.

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