Chapter 25

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Ⓞ A bit long chapter because I love you.

Ⓞ I've started to feel like the story is moving really slow. But it's my comfort story and I want to write every single moment thoroughly.

Ⓞ I wasn't going to write the intense scene of our LIAX at the end but then I thought that I should give you guys this. Plus, I like writing non-con intimate scenes.

Ⓞ Whenever I start writing I get distracted by the little details and won't write the part of the story I was initially supposed to write.

Ⓞ The part which I intended to write in this chapter will now cover the next one. I had thought to give a long update containing double word count but then I thought that you guys deserved an update specially when it's vacations and you gotta read in your cozy bed.


Ajax felt a warm feeling in his heart as his lips were softly pressed against Amelia's face. He had his eyes closed to relish in the warm feeling. His arms tightened around her body. He liked that she didn't make any movement that would anger him.

After few seconds, he opened his eyes and left her cheek. He looked at her beautiful face, she looked pretty in the morning. He liked watching her sleep. He never thought that he would ever be able to do such gestures but she had the power to turn his beast into a love sick bastard.

His hands moved on her wrists which were tied behind her back. She was way more stubborn than he thought and he didn't understand his feelings about her certain trait. Sometimes he would want to push her too far that she would break but other times he would enjoy the fight she would put on. It would give him a chase which was his favourite. It doesn't matter how he felt, he would always win in the end.

Last evening, he manipulated her slightly due to which she confided in him a little. He wanted to give her a sense of security and fear about him, at the same time. He was a Mafia king, he knew how to make his moves smartly.

She was hesitant in sleeping with him so he tied her hands behind her back and gave a solution to her problem. Yesterday when he untied her hands from the bed post, they were numb and she had a difficulty in moving them. He liked that her struggles got weak due to her numb and tingling limbs but he didn't want to put her through that uneasiness again.

Sleeping with him should be a form of comfort for her. So this time he tied her hands behind her back. They would be less numb in this position. She needed to be tied down to realize how helpless she was and that there was no other way for her beside sleeping with him.

Ajax untied the ribbon around her wrists and slowly brought her hands to her front. He brought them to his lips and placed a soft kiss on both of them. Thankfully she didn't resist too much last night so there were no pink marks of struggle on her skin.

He stared at her for a while and then placed a morning kiss on her lips. She moved a little in her sleep but didn't wake up. He slowly untangled her from himself and got up.


Amelia looked beside her as she didn't feel any arms around her while waking up. She sighed in relief when she didn't find her nightmare sleeping beside her. It was her third night sharing bed with him and every single time it was awful. It doesn't if he had tied her or not, he would still have enough power over her to do whatever he want.

She prayed that he had already left but the sound of running water from the washroom said otherwise. She sat up and rubbed a hand on her face to erase the tiredness. She could slee in this place but she would only find rest when she would go back to her home.

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