Chapter 60

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2nd December, 2023

Words Count: 5565

Author's Note:

☔Most of your requests is the stuff which I already have on mind. I honestly don't like when someone leaks my ideas but they are your ideas too. So, it's fine!

☔Amelia getting angry at Ajax for lying to her and manipulating her.

☔Amelia helping Thea escape.

☔Amelia and Thea giving Ajax and Oscar a hard time.

☔Oscar's soft side for Thea.

☔I think some of you guys don't get my messages from the message board. I clearly mentioned that I had my exams this week but I might update by the weekend. My apologies if you didn't get the message and had to wait on me.


Third Person Pov:

Thea adjusted Oscar's shirt on her. He had just given her bath and dressed her up. Right now, he was on the balcony talking with someone important about business on his cellphone. She was glad that he didn't chain her to the bed after last night. She looked here and there as her mind cooked a plan. She took the opportunity and went towards the door. She quietly clicked the knob open. Her soul coming to life when she was able to unlock it. She quietly slid outside.

She remembered the way downstairs from when Oscar took her for dinner last night. She wasted no time in running towards her freedom. Her heart was thumping at a high rate. She got down and looked around. There were many maids present who were doing different works. They glanced at her but didn't say anything.

Ajax and Oscar didn't find it necessary to alert the maids about a new prisoner residing in the mansion. Only Helen and guards knew about it. They didn't want to risk Amelia finding out about the situation. She would cause havoc if she did so.

Thea ran here and there and finaly found a door that lead to the garden. Her eyes widened seeing so many guards stationed outside. She didn't like guards. They would always catch her and bring her to Oscar who would then punish her. She didn't want her ass bruised, anymore than it already was.

The guards also saw her and moved to get near her. Her blood ran cold. In her desperation, she looked here and there to find a way out and saw the young beautiful girl from last night's dinner, playing with a puppy in the garden. She immediately made a run towards her, making the guards halt in their steps. They knew they needed to be smart when their queen was involved in a matter. Only the king could make the best decision for her.

"Good afternoon!" Amelia greeted watching Thea come towards her. But she frowned when she saw her panting and shivering in fear. "What happened?" She asked.

"P-please h-help m-me. H-he will b-break my l-legs this t-ime. P-please I-I b-beg y-you" Thea was hurriedly stuttering in fear. She couldn't form proper words.

"Who will hurt you Thea? Please tell me" Amelia held her arms and gave her full attention.

"H-he... H-e k-kidnapped me a-and won't l-let m-me g-go. I-I don't w-want to b-be h-here. P-please h-elp m-me" Thea was crying by now.

Amelia understood she was talking about Oscar. But Ajax said that they were a wild happy couple and Oscar confirmed it too. They lied to her! Before she could say anything, Oscar came running towards them. Thea yelped in fear and hid behind Amelia. Her whole body was shivering, knowing very well what Oscar was going to do with her. This time he would surely break her legs or tattoo his name on her skin as a reminder of his claim on her.

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