Chapter 26

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Xabi could hear light whimpers when she entered the room. She looked towards the bed to find Amelia curled up under sheets while crying. "Are you okay Mam?" She asked in a worried tone. She had to inform her boss if her madam wasn't feeling fine.

When she didn't get any answer, she moved closer to the bed. She could see one side of Amelia's face which had light marks of fingers on it. "Mam?" She called again. Amelia's whimpering paused. She slightly moved the covers aside and saw Xabi standing in front of her.

With red eyes, fingerprints on her face and a busted lip she asked only one thing; "Help!"


"Here" Xabi forwarded a glass of water towards Amelia who took it. She had helped her get cleaned up and in new clothes since Ajax ripped last ones. Xabi's heart had clenched finding Amelia in that state.

Her neck had dark hickies all over it. There was a spot which was totally bleeding because of the harsh biting. Her whole back was also covered in dark hickies. Some of them were even bleeding. There were marks on her cheek from when Ajax had gripped her jaw. Her lower lip had a deep cut which hurt a lot reminding her of his claim.

Amelia had only gotten out of bed after Xabi assured her that she would help her. She knew her boss was a cruel person but it was hard actually coming face to face with his cruelty. She knew the poor girl he had been claiming to love was going to be his victim of cruelty. Xabi had a shitty boyfriend few years back and she knew how toxic a relationship could be.

She was scared of her boss but she couldn't help herself and feel pity for the girl. She had to help her when she asked for it with a busted face and quivering lips.

"Mam! Please listen to me carefully" Xavi said, she was telling Amelia her plan which she was listening closely yet discreetly. Xabi had told her that there could be cameras in the room so they had to discuss the plan while doing normal stuff. There could be mics too but they could only hope that there weren't.

"You will escape tomorrow. Sir goes to his office or somewhere for work after having lunch with you. He comes back at dinner so we'll have to execute our plan at that time"

"I'll unlock the door for you" She said.

A. "What about the guards which are outside this room?"

X. They are not always present here. They only guard the door when someone is in here with you. But they are not the ones with the key. Besides sir, only Mrs. Diaz has it. I'll steal the key from her when she had checked up on you after lunch.

A. You won't check up on me tomorrow?

X. No, Sir only trusts Mrs. Diaz with your care. I'm here today because she had taken a day off.

X. Be ready at anytime after lunch, I'll knock on the door three times and you will come out after a whole minite. I need time to go away.

X. You will walk towards right.

A. That's where stairs are?

X. Yeah but don't take them, turn left and then right into a narrow hallway. There is an elevator which is sort of hidden. Nobody normally uses it.

A. Wouldn't there be guards when I'll reach ground floor.

X. I'll try to distract all ground floor guards which will be in that area. Also, you have to find some black skirt outfit to wear tomorrow with a tight bun. It will help you blend in with the maids.

A. Can you give me a maid outfit so that there will be no chance of getting  caught?

X. I'm sorry but I can't sneak something in this room with out getting caught.

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