Chapter 67

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14th January, 2024

Words Count: 7591

Author's Note:

🍑Wow! That was quick!

🍑Mad Ajax!

🍑More punishment!

🍑Actually Ajax's thoughts!

🍑Some kinky stuff!

🍑You guys must comment hard on this chapter.

🍑Do you like Victor and April's couple?

🍑I don't have a single rough estimate of how many chapters are left until epilogue.

🍑There is an elimination of final enemy left.

🍑Some of your requests also have to be fulfilled.

🍑Then some chapters of pregnancy. May be a lot. Depending on my mood.

🍑Oh! You guys wanted period chapter.

🍑I will also try to show their lives after kids and everything.

🍑There will be a lot of smut, since baby making process is amazing.

🍑Then there will be a lot of fluff, since taking care of a very pregnant woman is one of the prime responsibilities of a man.

🍑Are you guys okay with this? Or do you want an epilogue sooner?

🍑Anyways! This is quite a long chapter.

🍑I hope you guys will enjoy!

Third Person Pov:

Amelia groaned waking up. Her head hammered by the intense pain. "Aja-aaax!" Her voice rumbled with half open eyes. She felt someone help her sit up on the bed. She didn't feel like fully opening her eyes to assess her surroundings. Who else could it be beside her husband.

Low sounds of pain and frustration were still escaping her lips when a small white pill came in her view. She tried to turn her head to the side but someone held her jaw. After her mouth was squeezed open, the pill was placed on her tongue. She felt a glass of water press against her lips, telling her to drink it.

She sighed swallowing the pill and rested her head on the headboard. Few fingers ran through her tangled brunette hair and scratched her scalp soothingly. "Ajjax" She croaked out a low moan with closed eyes.

After few minutes passed, she was picked up in air and carried towards washroom. She lazily did her business but had a sudden puking urge. She heaved over the bowl for few minutes but nothing really came beside some bitter saliva. She was cleansed thoroughly last night which helped her case. She had been made to pee, gargle and brush her teeth.

After heaving she brushed her teeth again with some help. She finally opened her eyes and looked in the mirror to see herself and the man beside her completely naked. She held her slightly spinning head. What happened last night? Did he fuck the shit out of her? Was it the reason of her headache and that itching between her legs. Her bum also felt sore and her lips seemed swollen.

When Ajax was helping her dress in blue tank top and shorts, she noticed light pink lines on her ankles. Did he tie her to the bed to have sex? But her wrists didn't have such lines. She groaned his name and clutched her head. Why couldn't she remember anything clearly? He only patted her head in response while still being quiet.

That was another thing. He wasn't really talking to her this morning. In fact he didn't speak at all. He was just quietly taking care of her. Oh... Oh! Seemed like he was mad at her for something but what? She tried to nudge him and repeatedly whined his name but his responses only came in physical soothing touches. No words at all!

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