Chapter 33

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Ⓞ I thought to make a double update but it will take me the same time. Only difference will be that I won't post this chapter right now and wait till my next chapter is completed.

Ⓞ But don't worry, it's a long update.

Ⓞ Any of you who don't like smut can SKIP this chapter.

Ⓞ If you want to see aesthetics related to this or any previous chapters, you can visit this book's Instagram account.

Ⓞ Enjoy lovelies and try to keep me motivated to write another update.


Warning: Non-con Mature content \ Sexual Assault
(This part can be skipped)

Ajax pulled Amelia closer and pulled the zipper of her dress down. He lowered his head on her shoulder and placed a soft kiss on it. Just as he tried to push the dress down her left shoulder, she pushed him with all her force. He backed away a little and she took it as her chance to shoot out of the bed.

Ajax closed his eyes and tried to calm himself down. He needed to handle her tonight with caution. Just this night! After their first night, it will be easy. "Come back to bed love!" He said with a clenched jaw, trying not to sound too harsh. Amelia shook her head; "N-no p-please, I-I don't w-want t-to d-do t-this" Her voice trembled badly.

He started getting up from the bed which made her go in panic. She ran towards the door to escape. He quickly moved and caught her. She screamed in fear; "Let me go!" "You can't escape me tonight" He told her and dragged her back towards his bed. He pushed her on it and she fell on her front.

She turned around and her body trembled in fear when she saw him standing in front of her. He was admiring her spiraled form on his bed, covered in red petals. She looked like a fallen angel with her white dress and her brown hair spread everywhere. She tried to back away from him but a scream left her lips when he held her ankle and pulled her to the edge of the bed.

She was now sitting in front of him. He held her by the back of her neck and moved his thumb on her lower luscious lip. His tongue darted out and licked his dry lips. She could see the hunger and lust in her eyes which was making her insides flip in fear. "I want to taste you" He said and started lowering his head to her face.

She tried to back away and stop him but couldn't. His hand on her nape was enough to keep her in place. His lips met hers and he knew it was home. He smoothly moved his lips on hers in a rhythm fully feeling their softness and lusciousness. He was really good at kissing and she hated it. He could kiss for very long time without getting out of breath.

She on the other hand was an amature and would lose most of her breath in trying to push him away. He sucked her lower lip and she had to stop herself from the sounds which were trying to escape her. His kiss would do things to her but it didn't change the fact that she hated him.

He lightly bit on her lower lip and proded it with his tongue to tell her to part her lips. But she kept her mouth shut in protest. She didn't want his slimy tongue inside her. He squeezed her jaw and bit her lip making her lose and give him way. He told her that he wanted to taste her so he would taste her no matter how much she resisted.

As soon as his tongue entered her mouth and he tasted it, he felt heavenly. He always liked tasting every nook and cranny of her mouth. He pressed on her tongue and sucked it. She felt something tingling under her skin. She tried harder to push him away but he wouldn't budge. He kissed her till his heart desired. He didn't want to leave her soon.

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