Chapter 12

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"I will make you mine" Ajax said as he took out the ring again. Amelia instantly hid her left hand behind her back. His jaw clenched at her defiance. He wanted to fuck the disobedience out of her, right there and then. But that would come in time. He reached behind her back and pulled her hand out.

"No, let go!" She screamed and tried to get his hold off her wrist. Her efforts were feeble in front of him. He easily pulled her hand from her back. She fisted it in an attempt to stop him from putting the ring on her finger. But that didn't work either because he pried her fingers open effortlessly and held them straight as he put the ring on her finger. "No, no, no!" She cried.

As he let her go, she immediately tried to take off the ring.

"If you will take this ring off, I will cut the heads off your friends" His voice rang, laced with threat. Her movements seized at his words, she looked at him scared. His voice was so dark and vicious. Her hand was stopped at her ring finger. He wouldn't do that, would he?

"Don't test me Lia" He said. The warning was clear, she couldn't risk anyone's life by ignoring it.

"Don't ever take this ring off, or I won't act gentle with you" He said. This was his gentle act, she wanted to scream but could only whimperl.

"Why a-re you d-oing this?" She asked getting fed up with everything. A lump was forming in her throat as she tried to hold back her tears but failed.

He raised his hand to her face and caressed her cheek. "Because I want you" He said.

She shook her head; "P-please don't r-ruin my life for y-your m-mere i-infatuation" She pleaded.

His grip got tight on her waist; "You are not some mere infatuation of mine. You are the love of my life. Don't insult my love!" He growled. He wasn't infatuated by her. He didn't have a pathetic crush on her that would wear down with time. He loved her. It was the first time in his life when he truly loved someone. He would never give anyone a right to insult his love, not even her.

She scoffed, a man like him could never love. His every word felt like a lie to her, a way of manipulating her into giving him herself. She squealed when he suddenly pulled her to himself making her collide with his hard and well-built chest. "I think you need another kiss as a reminder that you don't do anything I wouldn't like" He growled. Her eyes went wide, she couldn't take another kiss. "N-no! N-not again" She said scared.

"We just got engaged love, we gotta kiss" He said in a mocking tone. He would love to kiss his newly engaged fiance.

"No! I-I can't t-ta... " He cut her off by smashing his lips on hers once again. She pushed at his chest and started resisting. He locked her in his grip and ravished her lips viciously. She wasn't in the state to take another kiss.


Ajax had kissed Amelia like a beast. After all, she was his fiance. He had more rights on her now. The poor girl had been groped again when she refused to open her mouth. He didn't let her go until she stopped her petty struggles. He hated her resistance towards him. He wanted to teach her a hard lesson but he let it go for later. She needed to learn a lot and he would gladly teach her. She was once again left breathless while he stared at her unfazed.

"I-i want to g-go h-home" She mumbled, as she breathed heavily to take in oxygen and recover from the forced kiss.


"I want to go home! I want to go home!..." She chanted the sentence again and again. She started crying and hyperventilating. Instead of recovering, her breathing got abnormal.

"I want to go h-ome!"

"Okay... Okay, I will take you home" He said trying to calm her down. Tonight was too much for her. She was done for the night. She couldn't take anything else.

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