Chapter 56

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29th October, 2023

Words Count: 5578

Author's Note:

🪇I had more to write but a reader reminded me that vote goal is done, hence the update.

🪇I was writing and waiting for you guys to finish the goals so I can give you this chapter.

🪇I read and like almost all of your comments except the ones which are offensive. Coz honestly, I'm not a saint.

🪇I've clearly stated that LIJAX are going to end up together. I did this so that those readers who are rooting for justice wouldn't complain in the end. I do this for you guys so you don't have to read a story you wouldn't get satisfied with. But you are not appreciative at all.

🪇I'm not saying that Ajax deserves happiness and Amelia is right to move on in her life. But that's how it's gonna go, whether it's right or not. So suck it up!

🪇Just one thing left to say, LEAVE OR I'LL BLOCK YOU!

🪇And if anyone thinks I'm rude, then think it's been 55 chapters I remained silent about ur rudeness.

🪇Wow! That was a rollercoaster of emotions.

🪇Hope my lovely cuddly ones will enjoy this chapter.


Third Person Pov:

Amelia woke up to an empty room. It felt strange since she was used to seeing Ajax's face first thing after waking up. She held her head and immediately felt the thick white bandage around it. She was hurt, so he would usually be hovering over her, watching her sleep with a concerned frown on his face.

She remembered, he made her take a nap after putting her on IV. That bastard! He had told her he would take her to the balcony. He played her! She got up from the bed, feeling a little weak. She was tired of this constant feeling of weakness. She wanted to gain her strength back so she could kick her dear con husband in the balls and teach him a lesson.

She made up her mind, to not let him imprison her in his room once again. She reached the door with a slight wobble in her steps and twisted the knob. It was surprisingly unlocked. Two hunks of men were present right outside the door. "Good evening mam!" One of them greeted.

Amelia didn't reply to their greetings and tried to walk past them but they blocked her way. "Do you need anything Mrs. Santiago?" The second man asked this time. They were speaking with their eyes casted down and hands crossed on their front in respect.

"Yes! I need you to get out of my face" She seethed in anger. How dare that dumb Santiago interne her in his room! She was going to give him a piece of her mind.

She again tried to squeeze past them but they didn't budge. She was going to scream when Helen came on the site. "Mrs. Santiago! You need to rest, you are not well" She told her. "Do not tell me what to do!" Amelia sneered angrily but immediately held her head. She wasn't supposed to stress too much. All that frowning and seething wasn't good for her.

"Mam, you okay!" Helen held her in worry. Amelia jerked her hand away; "Don't act like you care, all of you are his puppets" She told her. Helen kept quiet, her mam was right afterall. Although she had grown to care about her young madame, but it was true that she was still cold and strict head maid of Santiago's household. She was dutiful and loyal to her sir only.

Amelia didn't realize when the guard called Ajax while Helen kept her distracted. "Please go inside and rest, Sir will be here in no time" Helen told her like his name was supposed to calm her somehow. "I don't want to see his face. Now get out of my way!" She told the guards and swiftly moved past them before they could block her way.

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