Chapter 19

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Amelia was laughing with Stacy about something she said to try and cheer their damp moods, when she heard Ajax calling her from behind. She closed her eyes in frustration. He was back for her like he said but she didn't want to bear his presence anymore. His arm around her waist felt like a shackle to her.

She begrudgingly turned around to face him. Ajax stepped forward towards her but her dad interrupted him. "You wanted us to be here for the engagement, it's done. Now let us leave" Arnold said trying to control his anger. He hated being a helpless father. His daughters were his everything and here he was bounding his precious daughter's fate to the monster. Who knows what he would do to her if they would actually get married?

"The ceremony is still going Mr. McCarthy. I will be the one to decide when the night will be over" Ajax gritted through his teeth. "Now if you'll excuse me, I want my fiance back" He said and moved towards Amelia to hold her hand and pulled her towards him. His slight touch on her skin made it feel like crawling. She resisted the urge to pull her hand back from his hold.

His heavy arm came around her waist again, resting at it's determined place. He took her away from her parents towards the bar at the lakeside. He leaned on the table and made her stand beside him. His hand caressed her face in admiration. He lowered his head to her head and ran his nose along her hair. "te extrañé" He said in spanish making Amelia confused about what he said but she didn't care enough to ask.

I missed you

They had been standing at the bar for a while now. Ajax had ordered a drink for himself and a glass of water for her. She was glad when he asked her for some soft drink because her throat had been starting to feel dry after gulping every time he would touch her, caress her, sniff her or kiss her. She felt like she had been harassed all night which had made her all jumpy now.

"Hello lovelies!" A sudden hello made Amelia flinch in Ajax's hold and discreetly hide herself in his chest. She vividly felt him cursing under his breath. She looked up to see who had come to greet them this time. She thought standing at the bar meant the couple was done recieving greetings from the guest.

Amelia looked ahead to see a tall scary man standing in front of them. He had a good height, dark hair and light silver eyes. He was wearing weird rings and had a few scary tattoos on his neck and hands. She saw an 'S' written on his wrist. He looked familiar or may be he resembled someone familiar.

"I think I scared our girl" The guy said, his normal voice sounded hard to Amelia. He scared her. Ajax threw dagger at him; "My girl!" He growled loud enough to give the warning to the said person. "Woah! already claiming your girl brother" The guy said.

Amelia had almost forgotten that Ajax had a brother. She had met his mother before which was quiet a pleasure. She wanted to know his brother's views about how an imperfect couple they were but the guy was scary. And she knew the reason; he looked like her nightmare Ajax Santiago, afterall they were brothers.

"I see you did a good job on that" Oscar commented and Amelia found him looking at the mark Ajax had given her earlier. It was a dark red hickey which felt like a purple bruise to her. Whole night people had been staring at that mark which she found disgusting. Ajax's arm tightened around her protectively when Oscar commented.

"Hye! I'm Oscar Santiago, your man's younger brother" Oscar introduced himself and forwarded his hand towards Amelia. She leaned back a little towards Ajax at his move. The guy was scary and as a pair of brothers they were freaking her out, she wanted to run and hide.

She hesitated to shake Oscar's hand as Ajax hadn't let her shake any man's hand the whole night. She subconsciously looked at Ajax to see his reaction, he gave her a small nod in approval she forwarded her slightly trembling hand into Oscar's big tattooed hand. He shook her hand firmly and she instantly retreated it back to her side.

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