2. Shnelle × Ashwin

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"Reyna! Reyna! Reyna!"

"Tyler! Tyler! Tyler!"

The group cheered for the two people on which the spinning bottle was directing at.

Reyna playfully wiggled her eyebrows at Tyler who replied with a flirty look of his own.

"Let's go to our heavenly closet" Tyler offered his hand to Reyna who took it with a wide smile on her face.

As the two of them entered the closet, the group hooted for them.

Shnelle was sitting among her friends trying to enjoy the night but there was a threat named Ashwin at the back of her head. What if the bottle land at her? What if he got to know that it did?

Perci shook her arm to get her out of her thoughts. "Chill out Shen! He is not here" She tried to get her friend to lose a bit. Shnelle was a fun adventurous girl but ever since Ashwin laid his eyes on her, she had coiled back in a shell of fear.

"He knows everything!" Shnelle said scared of what he will do. The mark on her cheek still hadn't gone.

"He knows everything becauss it happens on campus. He can't know what's happening in our dorm. We will say that you were on call with your family so you didn't play with us" Perci told her and Shnelle nodded.

She had a right on living her life in her own way. Hiding in her dorm and lying to that obsessive bastard was her way!

She wanted to enjoy the game, specially when her crush Diego was there. He was a Mexican boy and she liked his accent and style.

"Yooohoooo!" The group cheered once again when Reyna and Tyler came out of closet with their lips looking swollen.

"Okay! Spin the bottle!"

Two more turns of laughing and teasing before the bottle landed on Shnelle and Diego.

She peeked at him and he was also looking at her. The group cheered them and sent them in the closet. Now they were awkwardly standing in front of each other.

"So how are you doing?" Diego initiated the conversation. He came with Tyler so Shnelle's group didn't know much about him.

"Great! How is it in Mexico?" Shnelle continued the conversation.

"Yeah! In Mexico we do the kissing stuff in seven minutes in heaven instead of talking" He joked to lighten the mood.

Shnelle laughed and he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close.

"No kissing on first meeting!" She playfully told him.

"Will touching and licking do?" He asked and sensing the shine in her eyes, he ran his nose on her neck.

By the end of seven minutes, Shnelle's neck was wet and pink but thankfully nothing permanent.

"That was amazing!" Diego threw his charming smile at her and she looked down with a shy smile.

They played a few more rounds and thankfully Shnelle's turn didn't come again. She wasn't interested in spending 7 minutes in heaven with anyone except her newfound crush. But she would like to kick Tyler where the sun doesn't shine for eating her chocolate. That's what the guys would do. They would come to their room and ransack their mini fridge.


Shnelle had a one hour gap between her periods so she planned on going to cafeteria. She rounded a corner when her way was blocked by a group of bad boys of college which was Ashwin's group.

"Hello Miss Ryder!" Colin, the tall and handsome one greeted making Shnelle sneere at him.

"It's Miss. Montgomery" She corrected him but he tsked.

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