Chapter 3

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*Door knock sounded

"I'll get it!" April yelled. It was 10 a.m. in the morning. Girls were barely up since they didn't have much classes lately.

April yawned and opened the door. Her eyes opened like wide saucers.


"Who is it Ape?" Gracie asked coming out of her room in long sweatshirt. She looked at April when she didn't reply. "Ap-... " Words got stuck in her throat when she saw who came behind April. It was the devil in flesh, Ajax Santiago. Behind him came some men, each of them carried guns.

Shay was about to scream when Victor pointed the gun at her to shush her.


Ajax sat on the couch in the living area. Victor stood beside him in uptight posture. There were seven of their men standing at their positions. The girls were also standing there shocked and scared since they were put on gun point.

"Where is my girl?" Ajax asked in his thick voice.

Gracie almost flinched at that dark voice. Amy was right, he is scary; she thought.

When none of the girls said anything, Victor asked; "Where is Ms. McCarthy?"

Shay gathered some courage and said; "Amy is not here"

The girls jumped in their places when the room filled with Ajax's dark laugh. It was far from amusement rather it sounded sarcastic. Like he was laughing at her pathetic lie.

"Don't try to act smart Miss. Mitchell. I know she didn't leave the apartment today." Ajax said. They looked at him surprised.

"I've eyes on my girl" He added with a smirk.


Amelia felt a mild headache as she woke up. She yawned and stretched her arms in the air. She looked at the wall clock and saw that it was past 10. She pulled thr covers aside and got out of thr bed hoping that any of her dorm-mate would be up. She came out of her room in her pj's and thin shirt. She was rubbing her eyes to remove the sleepiness from them. She slept late at night and had a mild head ache now.

As she stood at her room door, she didn't realize the evil eyes of the devil which were now focused on her small form. She was unaware of the fact that she was standing in the vicinity of the man who was going to change her life. He openly gazed at her body which was covered in a thin shirt and small pj's. She looked beautiful even with her morning face and crinkly outfit.

But her clothes were not appropriate to be worn in front of men other than him. He passed his men a death glare and they immediately looked down. Only he was allowed to look at the precious beauty standing in front of him. No other man should lay their lowly eyes on his girl. Only he should be the man in her life who could see her ethereal body in as less clothes.

Victor signalled the girls to keep their mouth shut.

"Shay!" Amelia called sleepily. Ajax kept staring at her as her soft voice reached his ear making him feel things he had bever felt before. "I need coffee" She said. When she didn't hear a reply from her friend, she finally decided to open her eyes.

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