Chapter 11

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"Happy birthday, love" Ajax said as he took a large bouquet of flowers and gave it to Amelia. She hesitantly took them from him and kept them on her lap. She didn't say anything. What could she say? She didn't want to thank him. He was doing it with his own will.

Ajax sighed internally as he stared at her beautiful face. She was so small, so beautiful, so fragile and all his. He wanted to hear her angelic voice but sadly she wouldn't say anything. She kept her hands on her lap and kept looking at them.

He cleared his throat and asked; "Are the heels comfortable today, Love?" He asked.

She registered his question in her mind which was a little foggy with her situation. She nodded her head as the footwears were really comfortable. Other than a nod she didn't say anything not even a yes.

"I had them specially prepared for you baby. I even personally checked them for any type of discomfort" Ajax said continuing the conversation. He wanted to hear her beautiful voice. At least on call she wasn't able to nod or shook her head and he would be graced with monotonous yes and nos. But now when she was in front of him, he was dying to hear her.

Amelia raised her eyes from her lap and looked at him for a second. Was this man for real?

"You don't like them? We can get them changed" Ajax said as he found her looking at him weirdly. "I brought another pair" He said. He had indeed another set of beautiful golden shoes in his car for her.

He was about to take them out from under the seat when Amelia stopped him by saying; "T-they are c-comfortable" Those were the only words with her usual stutter and Ajax felt so good at hearing her voice for the first time that night.

"Your voice is beautiful. I like hearing you, love" He said as he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him. He liked her pressed up against his side. Amelia felt her heartbeat quicken. She put her hand on his arm and tried to push him away but her efforts were futile. He paid no mind to her attempts of pushing him away.

He raised his hand and cupped her face as he stared in her beautiful blue eyes. He frowned as he watched them. "You cried!" He stated.

"Why did you cry love? I told your useless friends not to let you cry" His words held distaste for her friends. She got scared for them. It was his fault and he was blaming it on her friends.

"Why did you cry love?" He asked again. Amelia looked at him with teary eyes and said; "Y-you came w-when i was s-sleeping" Her tone was accusing, like a cute kitten.

"Y-you threatened m-my friends and di-id all t-that" She tried to sound strong but couldn't stop the stuttering in her voice. She was refering to all the decorations and gifts from him.

"Yes I did, I wanted to make my girl's day special" He said as he caressed her cheek. He was her boyfriend and he took his responsibility to surprise his girlfriend.

"Did you like the setting?" He asked. She didn't want to answer him but had no choice.

"I-it was good b-but you didn't have to d-do it" She said. He gave her a small smile; "My girlfriend deserves to be treated like a queen" He said. She felt something weird inside her at being called his girlfriend. She didn't want to have any kind of relationship with him.

"Did you eat the chocolates I gave you?" He asked. His question made her uneasy, she didn't think he would ask that. She moved her head in a nod as she didn't trust her voice to lie. He raised his brow at her and his hand tightened around her waist. He knew she was lying. He could read her like an open book.

"I won't appreciate you lying to me love" He said with a hard voice now. "You will go home and eat what I gave you. And that teddy bear is for you not your friends. Okay?" He asked. She wanted to tell him otherwise but stopped herself and nodded.

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