Zeke × Trisha

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Trisha twisted under sunlight peeking from the bedroom's window. She opened her eyes and saw a handsome face close to hers. She was sleeping in her husband's arms Zeke Culling who was a CEO of a multinational company.

Trisha stared at his face with a twisted look in her eyes. After few seconds of staring, she placed her lips on his, waking him up with a morning kiss.

"M-morning!" She mumbled, detaching from the kiss.

Zeke glanced at his wife's beautiful face and got up. Trisha looked at his naked back and sat up. She got on his lap and hid her face in his neck.

Zeke glanced at the wall clock. He had to get ready for office. He held his wife in his arms and got up with a sheet around them.

Trisha remained latched to him while he washed them both.

On breakfast table, Trisha came and sat on his lap, resting her head on his chest. She wouldn't eat without him feeding her himself so he took her plate of scrambled eggs and quietly fed her.

Trisha kissed his lips to bid him goodbye for work.

"We'll visit mom after I come back" Zeke told her before leaving.

Trisha spent whole day in selecting a perfect dress to wear for her in laws.

In the evening, when Zeke came back she was ready for the visit. She came down stairs and walked straight towards him, hugging him tightly and kissing his lips.

"You look beautiful!" He told her and she passed him a weird smile.


"Oh look! Our pretty Trisha is here" Zeke's mom swooned over her beautiful daughter in law.

Trisha quickly detached herself from the hug and moved back in Zeke's chest. Mrs. Culling glanced at Zeke for a second and then let it go.

Her daughter in law was nice but just a little weird. Zeke was the one who sent his mother with a proposal at Trisha's home and Mrs. Culling loved his choice. But after marriage, Trisha became a lot distant and looked paranoid at all times.

Mrs. Culling had tried to discuss this with her son but he said that it was all fine. There was no need to worry about.

"How have you been Trisha?" Mrs. Culling asked Trisha who was sitting glued to her husband.

"F-fine!" She gave a one word answer and even that was stuttered.

"Trish I've been wanting to show you my new guitar for so long" Dina her sister in law said enthusiastically. She was younger than Zeke by seven years.

"Come with me!" She told her.

Trisha looked at her husband as if asking for approval. He gave a small nod and Trisha finally moved from her place besise Zeke.

Mrs. Culling watched the girls go upstairs with a worried look. She tried to shake off her thoughts. Trisha might have a reserved nature but at peast she wasn't causing drama in the family. She was a good daughter in law and suited perfectly with Zeke's brooding personality.

All of his cousions and siblings always used her to get stuff from him. Nobody had the guts to talk to him directly but they hadn't seen him deny anything to his wife.

Mrs. Culling wondered why Trisha looked so scared at all time if Zeke loved her so much.

She often looked over her weird habits because she was glad that her son finally found a woman and wouldn't die alone. And this time she did the same. Dinner was spent nicely with few chats and broken answers from Trisha while Zeke barely talked. Mrs. Culling was right, they were perfect for each other.

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