Chapter 40

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Author's Note:

📝 This is the third chapter of your weekly update requests. I don't know when I'll post the next one.

🔹So Enjoy!

Third Person POV:

The couple walked through the porch of the mansion. "Welcome back!" Mrs. Diaz greeted them.

Amelia was quietly walking beside Ajax.

"Sir!" She was looking at the floor when she heard a voice call him. She clenched her hands when she saw Victor. That guy molested her sister and did all the dirty work for her husband. She didn't like him at all.

Ajax felt her trying to crush his hand. He was aware of her dislike towards his second in command. He would've fired Victor but she basically hated everyone in his mansion. And the only girl she liked was brutally killed by him.

He glared at Victor for bothering him when he just came back from his honeymoon. "It's important Sir!" Victor stressed.

Ajax dismissed him saying he will hear it later and lead his wife upstairs. They freshened up and changed into comfy clothes. "Do you want to eat anything?" He asked coming out of the closet. They had their lunch on the plane but she might want snacks or something. She shook her head.

She was sitting on the edge of the bed while staring off in space. She had been doing that a lot lately. He stood in front of her and placed his hand on her cheek. "You feeling tired?" He asked. She moved her eyes from the wall and looked at him. "Yes!" She said.

"Okay, lay down" He helped her lay down and covered her with the duvet. She just wanted to sleep.


"Yeah I told them to add all those points and the mall has a great start" Oscar informed Ajax who hummed in reply and looked through the new mall's files.

Oscar watched him with an itch in his brain. He had been talking business for too long. "So, how was the honeymoon?" He asked. "Good" Ajax replied, he didn't want to but he knew that not answering would only get him a more annoying brother.

"What? Just good?" Oscar asked. "I thought it would've been magical for you since you are in love and the world is full of rainbows and unicorns" He teased. Ajax grunted in reply.

"What? Did you get some time to keep your dick out of a pussy?" Oscar again blabber. His brother took almost a month long of honeymoon. Of course he wouldn't let that go.

"You have to know everything Oscar?" Ajax asked annoyed. Oscar nodded his head and gave him a toothy grin; "Anything that involves my dear brother" He replied.

"Also... The man standing beside you" He said looking at Victor.

"What about him?" Ajax asked.

"It seems like you are not the only one who lost his virginity at your wedding" Oscar said but when Ajax didn't pay any mind to his gibberish, he added; "To one of your bridesmaid"

Now that caught Ajax's attention. He didn't care about anyone. But Amelia's sister was the maid of honor and he didn't want any scandal that would disturb his wife. She had already been a lot off lately.

"Which one?" This time the question was directed towards Victor.

"Miss. Cavanaugh" He replied.

"So much respect. Just tell us how you banged that slutty April" Oscar scoffed. Victor raised his eyes to look at him. He didn't like what he said about April. It was just a one night stand. They didn't have anything serious but he still felt bad at the name calling. But it was also true, she was a little slutty.

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