Chapter 57

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7th November, 2023

Words Count: 3814

Author's Note:

🎃Vote goal is done so here's the update.


Third Person Pov:

Warning: Violence

Ajax Santiago was not a man to forgive. He was known for his cruel ways of torturing and killing people. That was one of the reasons beside his King title, why people feared him so much.

Despite knowing everything, Mike begged like a disgusting coward. "My n-nephew... W-why have you c-caught m-me?" His voice was full of fear.

Oscar raised a brow; "You don't know?" He asked. Mike shook his head; "I-I didn't d-do a-anything" He tried to deny his deeds. "So you are saying that you didn't kidnap my wife and tried to molest her?" Ajax gritted his teeth in anger. He so wanted to shoot him right in the head. But it would be too easy and that man's sins were too big. He deserved to be tortured till eternity.

"It wa-sn't me, Finleys d-id it. You kno-w it, I h-elped you in catc-hing t-them. Trust me s-son, I didn't do a-anything" Mike tried to put his sins on others.

Ajax's nose flared in anger. He reached Mike in quick steps and started punching him ruthlessly. "YOU FUCKING LIAR!"
"HOW DARE YOU FUCKING TOUCH HER? SHE IS MINE! MY WIFE! MINE!" He was roaring and punching at the same time. It looked like a demon posessed him. Oscar and Victor were quietly watching him beating Mike up like a beast.

Ajax opened Mike's restraints and threw him on the floor. "You Snake! You bit your own blood. You broke Mafia codes" He kicked him on the floor. Mike's grunts were filing the cell. He was pleading for mercy but Ajax showed none.

He crouched down and held Mike's collar. Dragging him out of the door, he took his beaten body to another cell. "I'll show you, what I do to those who try to hurt Ajax Santiago's wife" Ajax seethed in anger.

Guard opened the cell and the moment Mike saw inside, his blood ran cold. Adler Finley was hung from the ceiling with his arms restrained in heavy chains. Both of his feet were bolted to the ground. There were various bruises of torture on his body. His hands and dick were sewered off his body. The skin of his front was ripped open and each of his ribs were broken and pulled out. His body was drenched in blood.

He barely looked alive. He didn't have enough energy in his body to open his eyes but the mild breathing moment of his open chest indicated that he was hanging on. It looked like it had been few days since he was ripped open and left to die. The whole cell stinked due to his stench.

In the other corner of cell, there was another battered body. It couldn't be recognized but Mike knew it was Courtney Finley. Her hair were all burnt to her scalp. Her once seductive eyes were gauged out, her lips were cut at one side and her jaw looked broken. There wasn't a single digit left on her hands. Her limbs were broken at each joint and mid joint like sticks and were turned backwards.

Her body had countless number of gashes on it. Her once flawless skin was literally peeled and ripped away at some points. It looked like that every single aspect of her beauty was ripped away from her. Now she was just a slab of meat, drenched in her own blood and left to die. A faint sound of dying was comind out of her throat.

"Now It's your turn!" Mike's blood ran cold at Ajax's dark voice.


The three ladies were chatting and laughing, enjoying their day without guys. But their happiness didn't last long since the mischief had returned.

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