Chapter 16

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Amelia was watching tv with her sister Stacy. "Hey! Look at this" Stacy said. She showed Amelia a plate face. She had made a smiley face on the plate with whip cream. "Funny, isn't it? " She asked. "Real mature of you Stacy" Amelia replied and a smile cracked on her face. Stacy felt delight at her sister smiling, that was the actual smiley face she made. "I'm awesome" She said and licked the cream off the plate to make something new.

"Mom! Stacy is wasting cream! " Amelia yelled to her mom.

"Stop being silly Stacy! " Her mom yelled back.

Stacy faked hurt her expressions and said; "I thought we were sisters"

Amelia made a pout; "We were but then you stole my spongebob shirt" She said.

"It's not spongebob Amy" Stacy said blankly.

"It's yellow" Amelia said in a 'duh' tone.

"You are a baby" Stacy said.

"You both are my babies" Their dad came from the other room and joined in his daughters bickering. He took the file from the table which he came for and returned to his room.

"I'm his favourite baby" Amelia said and raised her chin in arrogance.

"Don't be so mean Amy baby" Stacy teased her.

"Shut up spongebob" Amelia threw the remote at her.

"Awww... You got a strawberry, be happy. It just needs some of my touches" Stacy said and sprayed the whip cream on Amelia's face. She screamed and lunged at her.

*doorbell rings

"Don't fight girls" Their mom said as she passed them while going to see who was at the door. She opened the door and was surprised to see a tall man in suit. Behind him were many men which seemed to be in some formal outfits. They looked like bodyguards.

"Yes? " She asked.

"I am Ajax Santiago" The man said and her eyes widened. She instantly moved to close the door but he stopped her by putting his strong hand on it. She stepped back as he pushed forward and his shining black shoes stepped in the house. His men entered behind him.

"There is nothing here for you, you can leave" Mrs. McCarthy said sternly. She wasn't a usual weak woman to back off.

"You sponge bob!"

"You santa claus!"

Came the voices and giggling from the living room.

Ajax raised a brow as he looked at the direction from where his girl's voice was coming. He looked back at Mrs. McCarthy and stared dead in her eyes; "I believe there is" a vicious smirk formed on his lips.

"Stop! " Mrs. McCarthy yelled but Ajax didn't pay any heed to her words. He went towards the living room and his men followed him.

His heart filled with warmth as he caught the sight of his love. She was wearing strawberry pajamas. Her hair were messy and her face had white beard and mustache. She looked adorable in his eyes. She was tangled up with her sister on the couch and was trying to snatch the whip cream bottle from her.

"I told you to not go in there" Mrs. McCarthy yelled as she came behind him.

Amelia and Stacy stopped their playing and looked at their mom. Stacy was surprised to see Ajax Santiago in her living room. She knew him as he was the most famous billionaire and the tormentor of her sister. She stood up in surprise. Amelia on the other hand was frozen in her place. She was sitting with wide eyes which were fixed on Ajax.

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