2. Vincent, Terrance, Felix × Crystal

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The Fernandez brothers were standing at their porch waiting for someone's arrival. There was a tiny creature who had been causing sensations in their stone cold hearts.

A series of cars entered the mansion with a lavish white car in the middle. Vincent could feel his body buzzing with excitement.

The cars stopped in front of the brothers and Felix moved to open the back side's door. He raised his hand and a small delicate hand was placed on it.

Crystal came out of the car with Felix helping her get down the large vehicle.

"Thank you Felix!" She wasn't being disrespectful, he himself had told her to call him with his first name instead of Mr. Fernandez.

Crystal looked forward with excitement. She ran into Vincent's open arms saying; "I missed you Vinnie"

Vincent gently kissed her golden head; "Missed you too little bunny" He told her, tightly hugging her to his chest.

Crystal pulled away from him and hesitantly glanced at Terrance; "H-hello Terry!" She greeted in a small voice and got a curt nod in return.

"Let's go inside" Felix ushered them inside the mansion.


Crystal was sitting on Vincent's lap while Felix and Terrance were sitting in front of them. It wasn't hard to guess that of all the three brothers, Vincent was her favourite one.

After what happened on their first meeting, Vincent apologized for making her feel uncomfortable. He used the sweetest words and made Crystal giggle. She liked him on the second meeting so she befriended him.

Terrance on the other hand didn't apologize for trying to poke her with ouchie needle. Felix said he thought she looked weak so he was giving her vitamin shot. Crystal wasn't very sure of the explanation but Terrance looked scary so she had to let him off the hook.

Vincent was her first friend so he was very special to her. She did whatever he said and didn't question him. She must trust her friend.

She wasn't sure of befriending Terrance but after she made Vincent her friend, Terrance glared at her so hard that she had to say that he was her friend too. Although they didn't do the friendship handshake like with Vincent.

After few meetings, Crystal gave Vincent an adorable nickname Vinnie the pooh. She nicknamed Terrance because she had to. She thought it was very rude of him to demand all the special friendship thingies when he didn't play with her like Vincent. But she was too afraid to tell him that. Plus, it wouldn't hurt too much to call him Terry.

Crystal was talking with Felix and Vincent while Terrance was silently staring at her. Out of nowhere, he held her chin and growled in her face; "Is that make up, pet?"

Crystal got scared at his harsh treatment. Before tears could pool in her pretty doe eyes, Felix swiftly held her face and asked; "Why are you wearing make up babyboo?"

"I... M-mom did m-my make up. I t-told her no but she said y-you will g-get bored seeing my d-dull face every time" She had told her mom that she didn't like make up but her mother didn't listen.

"That bitch!" Vincent cursed in a low voice.

"It's okay little one, come we'll get you cleaned up" Felix said, picking her up from Vincent's lap and placing her on his hip. He took her in the washroom to wipe that makeup off her pretty face.


"Look who's back, all clean and pretty" Vincent riled Crystal up, raising his arms. Felix placed her on his brother's lap who showered her washed face with butterfly kisses. Crystal giggled in his hold.

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