Chapter 9

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It has been few days since Ajax took Amelia to his manor. She had been more scared of him after that. He could do anything and nobody was there to stop him. But to her utter dislike, he called her every night. Although their talks were short and mostly include the questions asked by him or some of his lovey dovey lines at which Amelia wanted to gag. But she couldn't tell him to stop calling her.

The marks given by him had been mostly healed. Shay had given her a healing cream to apply on it. For going out, April would help her cover them up with make up. She was glad that he didn't come to visit her after that. Kane had told Gracie that Dylan had been in an accident so he wouldn't be coming to campus. Girls knew that it was a cover. Ajax had probably threatened Dylan to say it but they were glad that he was alive although barely okay.

*Message beep

Happy birthday love❤

It was Ajax's text. Amelia looked at the date and time. It was her birthday. Between all the mess with Ajax and Dylan, she had forgotten that her birthday was coming. It was 12:00 a.m. and Ajax was the first to wish her, followed by all the texts and wishes from her friends and family.

Her room's door opened amd in came her three friends with a cake.

Happy b'day to you!
Happy b'day to you!
Happy b'day dear Amy
Happy b'day to you!

"May you have many moreeeee"

"That's enough April" Shay said.

Ap. "Oops! "

Her friends sang her the birthday song.

"Thank you guys!" Amelia gave them a genuine smile.

They placed the cake in front of her on the bed. "Come on now! Blow the candles." Gracie said.

"Wait wait wait!" April said.

A. What?

Ap. You have to make a wish first.

S. Oh yeah.

Amelia's mood saddened; "My only wish for this year is to get rid of SK" She mumbled thinking of all the things he had done and would do.

"It's your b'day Amy, don't think of him" Shay placed a hand on her knee, patting it.

"Well, it's kinda hard when he was the first one to wish me tonight" Amelia fiddled with her fingers and gave a pitiful smile.

"He... " Gracie trailed off.

"He texted, I'm just glad that he didn't call because I don't wanna hear his voice tonight" Amelia told them.

"Let's all of us wish tonight to get a life free of him" April suggested. Amelia gave her a small smile. "Okay" She said.

All four of them joined their hands and wished together.


"Time to blow the candles" Gracie said and Amelia blew the candles. She took the knife and cut the cake. She took a piece and fed it to her friends.

"Okay the rest of the cake is mine" Gracie said after each of them had eaten their piece.

"And why is that?" April asked frowning her brows.

"Because my man brought this" Gracie replied.

"Your man brought this for me so put it in the fridge, I'll eat it tomorrow" Amelia said brushing them off.

Gracie and April were about to protest when Amelia's cell phone rang. It was her mom, she must be calling to wish her b'day.

"Shay! Take the cake from them, I'll talk to mom" Amelia told Shay who swiftly took the cake tray from Gracie's hand and went out of the room to save it for later. The two hungry, salivating girls followed after her.

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