Chapter 37

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Author's Note:

🔺Someone pointed out that Ajax calling Amelia 'love' in his every sentence is annoying. And now it's ruined for me. You were right 'love'. When I saw it, I couldn't unsee it. So thanks for letting me know. I tried to avoid my habit of repeatedly writing 'love'. Hope it's better now.

🔺I know some of you were desperately waiting for the update and I so wanted to do it whenever you would comment. But it was a long ass chapter and I wanted to give you the whole.

🔺I think this is the longest chapter I have written so far.

🔺It's mostly smut since the couple is enjoying their honeymoon.

🔺Hope you enjoy their time too.

Third Person POV:

Amelia was walking beside Ajax. She had her hand in his hold. After breakfast, he took her out to show her around. They had walked a few distance only and she had already found his island quiet beautiful. His house which they were staying at had a beach at the back of it but right now, he was taking her somewhere else.

When they woke up in the morning, she was sore due to their previous night activities. Specially when he fucked her hard, forcing her to moan his name. He gave her a warm bath which helped relax her sore muscles. She felt better after that.

When they came downstairs, breakfast was already prepared. But the strange thing was that she didn't see anyone in the house beside them. He had his people and workers on the island but they weren't allowed to interact with his wife. He didn't want anyone disturbing them on their honeymoon.

Amelia tried to cover herself when the wind made her see through cover up sway back. Earlier, he had forced her to wear black bikini with a see through cover up. She didn't want to go out, dressed like that. But she had no say in front of him.

She was tightly holding the cover around her with her free hand when Ajax stopped. He pulled her towards himself and placed a few strands of her wild hair behind her ear which were swaying with the wind and disturbing his girl. "Beautiful!" He mumbled. He lowered his head towards her ear and said; "You are beautiful. And all of your beauty is for my eyes only" He told her. Shivers ran in her whole body at his close proximity and hot breaths which were falling on her skin.

He raised his head and saw her face. She was looking at him cluelessly. He made her open her fist and let go off the cloth. She knew that he had already seen all of her but she was scared that someone else would see her almost naked. She wasn't that bold type of girl who would confidently wear short clothes. She felt more easy in proper clothing.

He got closer to her face, their noses were almost touching. "No one on this island can see you beside me. You are here for me. Only I have the right to see you, touch you, feel you, make love to you and even breathe in your presence" He said each word clearly and looking directly in her eyes. She felt shivers of fear in her body due to his sensual words but at the same time she felt herself getting lost in his silver eyes. "Understand?" He asked.

She slightly nodded her head, careful not to meet her lips with his. "Words!" He demanded. "Yes" She said in a low voice. He knew she was trying not to move too much but he loved teasing his innocent wife. He glanced towards her soft lips and lessened the distance between them. "You know my name right?" His lips touched hers as he moved. She felt like her heart would leap out of her chest. He had kissed her before many times but he had the ability to make everytime feel like a first.

She blinked her eyes and said a timid yes. "Then say it" He demanded. "A-ajax" She hesitantly said. He smiled and finally joined their lips.


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