Chapter 50

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27th July, 2023.


Words Count: 7179

Author's Note:

☄️There are always more than 1000 views on a chapter. So I don't think it should be that hard to reach 100 vote goal.

☄️Comment as you go along the chapter.

☄️I think when I'm writing for you guys, I deserve a little response. Otherwise my writings and efforts are useless.

☄️Now some of the readers are really loud and active and also whiny. I do appreciate them. But for others, please don't disappoint me again.

☄️The double images in this chapter are glitching. The lesbian image is nit supposed to be here but I can't fix it.

☄️Hope you are enjoying the double update. P. S; it's a really long one.

Third Person POV:

*cellphone ringing

Amelia was peacefully sleeping in jer husband's arms when a constant light buzzing and ringing sound disturbed her sleep. She woke up to see Ajax asleep, while a call was coming on his cellphone. She groaned and got up a little to reach over Ajax and get that annoying device.

She was about to wake Ajax up but saw that it was Victor who was calling. She clenched her jaw and attended the call.

"My apologies for disturbing you sir b-... " Victor said from the other side but Amelia cut him off. "But you'll still do it" He paused for a moment, figuring out that it was his sir's wife who attended the call.

"My apologies mam, but can I please talk to sir?" He asked, respectfully.

"No sir lives here so stop calling and disturbing other people's sleep Mister. Whoever you are" She said rolling her eyes. It was clear that she didn't like Victor and he too had an idea about it. But still, he had to reach his sir so he said; "Mam I'm Victor and I need to talk to Mr. Santiago"

"I don't know any Victor or Santiago so stop calling again!" She gritted in such straightforward tone that even Victor had to pull his phone from his ear and check if he had dialed the right number. He put it back on his ear after confirming buy she had already ended the call.

Amelia threw the phone on the night stand and got back to her previous comfortable position i.e cuddling with Ajax with her head on his chest. She was flaring in anger and taking deep breaths. She hated that Victor guy. She felt fingers softly running through her hair and massaging her scalp. She sighed and snuggled her nose in his toned chest.

"So you don't know any Santiago?" He asked after few seconds. He woke up when his wife was lashing out at his second in command. It was okay, she was the queen and they were her servants so she could lash out at them.

"He disturbed my beauty sleep" She mumbled, her voice was muffled due to her face pressed against him. "Did he apologize?" Ajax asked, wantinv every one in his world to respect his girl. She nodded her head, rolling her eyes. That guy's apology meant nothing. "Good!" Ajax mumbled.

He kept massaging her scalp and she made soft purring sounds making his chuckle lightly. "Can you forgive Victor?" He asked after few minutes of silence. He knew why his girl bated his second in command but he wanted to clear the air between them. Since it was him whose orders Victor was following and he was already getting his punishment.

She hadn't said that she forgave him. She was okay with him but he knew that it would take her some time to forgive him because that time was still a sore topic for her. So he wouldn't mention anything about it in front of her. Even their wedding photo on his study table in his home office, he had removed it because she didn't like it. She made it clear when she sweeped it on the floor one day.

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