Chapter 24

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"Ahhh......! Ummm..... Uhhh....!

The room was filled with Amelia's light moaning and whimpering. She was tired from struggling and her throat felt hoarse from all the screaming and begging she did. So she laid there on the bed with her hands tied above her head and to the bed post, lightly moaning and occasionally whimpering as Ajax kept ravishing her neck.

Yesterday was spent being locked in the room again. Meals were served directly by Ajax himself. She tried to apologize to him but he said he liked punishing her. At night, she showed resistance in sleeping with him. He had kissed her and gropped her during dinner so she wanted to get away from him.

He tied her hands to the head rest and kissed her deeply. She cried and screamed in fear when he got down and held her legs. He licked, kissed and sucked her long creamy legs till his heart desired. She tried to struggle and kick him but that only got her swats on her thighs. He marked the flawless skin of her legs. She was glad that he didn't move above her thighs.

Right now, Ajax's head was burried in Amelia's neck. He had given her morning kiss, then moved to her jaw and ended up in her neck. He saw his favourite spot and couldn't control himself to bite her sweet spot. She screamed at his harsh bite and tried to get away but her hands were tied and his body was above her.

Her throat got dry from all the screaming she did. He left her skin after giving it a harsh love bite and was now lightly sucking on it making her unwillingly moan. If she would try to control it, he would again start biting making her whimper. His hands moved on her waist feeling her curves. She twisted her hands in the ties to loosen them but it didn't work.

His thick fleshy tongue licking on her sensitive spot was sending shivers in her body. "Ummm.... " She lightly moaned as he sucked her skin one last time and left her. He raised his head from her neck and looked at her. He licked his lips for tiny droplets of her blood, her neck was bleeding a little from his harsh bitings.

"You will get used to my love bites" He said as the pad of his thumb moved on her soft cheek to wipe her tears. She turned her head away from him. His jaw clenched, he held her chin and moved her face back to himself. She suppressed a whimper that was trying to escape her throat at his strong hold on her delicate cheek.

"Look at me!" He gritted. He jerked her face when she kept her eyes down. "I said look at me!" He said harshly this time. She flinched and raised her eyes to look at him. "Don't ever look away from me. I hate it when you avoid me, understand?" He sternly asked. She moved her head in a nod, she was tied and scared. His large frame hovering over her body was scary.

She helplessly wriggled her wrists in the tight bindings. "Do you want me to untie you?" He asked, still holding her chin but his strong grip loosened a little. She nodded, pleading was clear in her eyes. Her arms were feeling numb due to being tied in that position all night.

"I will kiss you now and if you won't resist me, I will untie you" He said, he wanted to kiss her without her petty struggles, even in her tied state she wouldn't end her fightings. "N-no... " She stuttered, she was tired and his kisses wouldn't be limited to her lips only. "Okay, I like you in this position any way..." He said giving a look to her whole body. His tone was getting playful.

"This way I can touch you and kiss you any where I want" A smirk formed on his lips when his hands slowly and seductively moved on her waist, ass and thighs. He leaned in and rubbed his lips on her jawline. His silver eyes held a devilish look in them when he stared directly into her blue ocean ones. She wanted to look away, his eyes were scaring her but she knew it would make him mad.

She hissed when he touched her love bite given by him with his thumb. It was turning purple and only a slight graze of his digit caused her pain. "No?" He asked because she was constantly shooking her head and wriggling around due to his sinful touches. "I-i w-won't r-resist" She had to give in. If she wouldn't, he would kiss her any way and probably do many other things too.

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