Chapter 22

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Ⓞ Your messages at my board and requests in the comment section motivated me to write this chapter during my exams.

Ⓞ It's a bit longer than my usual word count, so Enjoy!


Last night was spent in crying, Amelia had cried at her fate. She was trapped in that devil's cage. After forcefully feeding her dinner, he left the room. She had ran to the bathroom and spit out. She put her fingers in her mouth and pushed at the back of her throat to activate reverse peristalsis. She puked out the whole contents of food he put so much effort in feeding her.

After emptying her stomach, she gargled and rinsed her mouth to remove his taste. She felt disgusted at the fact that his tongue had touched every corner of her mouth. She rubbed her lips with the back of her hand until they were red to remove the feeling of his lips on hers.

After putting herself through the ordeal of getting his touch and taste out of her, she came out of the washroom. She sat on the floor beside the bed and cried for hours at her misery. No matter what she did, she couldn't bear the closeness they had. She couldn't get his taste and touch out of her head.

She missed her mom, who would hold her when she cried. She missed her dad who would tell her that it would all be okay. She missed Stacy who would be there for her to support and take care of her. She wanted to go back to her family but she was caged in that extravagantly big room with a large glass door on the balcony which wouldn't open. No matter how many times she tried, it wouldn't budge. She tried her luck with that small window in the washroom but she couldn't easily reach it since it was too high.

In the end, when she got tired of trying and crying, she fell asleep on the floor.


The lock on the door made a click sound indicating that it was unlocked. The door knob twisted and Mrs. Diaz entered the room. The door was immediately locked shut behind her by the guards. At first she felt a little panic when she found the room empty. Ajax Santiago King had given them strict orders not to let out his current prisoner. Any mistake and all the guards appointed at her watch would be in deep shit.

After looking around the room for few seconds with her heart beat about to race in panic, Mrs. Diaz finally found a fragile figure of the small girl who had been brought here two nights ago. She was sleeping in a sitting position on the floor beside the bed. Her head was tilted back and resting on the bed in an uncomfortable position.

Dark curtains were covering the window which caused the darkness fall in the room even in day time. Only small light was passing through them enabling Mrs. Diaz to look at the girl who had been sleeping unaware of the cruel world around her.

Mrs. Helen Diaz was the head maid in Ajax Santiago's main mansion. All the major responsibilities of managing the mansion works were on her shoulder. She had been sent to work here when Ajax moved out of his parents house. That was her previous place of work. Mrs. Candace Santiago had sent her to take care of her son after the middle aged woman had worked under the Queen's service for ten years.

Oscar was a mama's boy and Candace took care of him herself. He didn't have as much responsibility on his shoulders as his older brother, which made his life less hard and allowed his mother to treat him with a little love and mercy.

Ajax on the other hand was an heir to the whole Mafia kingdom. He had to be trained under harsh conditions. His father was a strict man, he didn't allow his wife to show him useless love and affection.

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