Chapter 44

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Author's Note:

✴️ Sometimes I want to edit previous chapters but then I focus on spending that time writing the new one, thinking that you guys must be waiting.

🔸This chapter's trailer has already been released. I hope you all have found it since I announced it to my followers.


Third Person POV:

Amelia scrolled the Instagram posts. She was mindlessly looking at them while trying to ignore someone's presence in the room. The puppy Ajax had left, had been whining since then. His dog was a whining bitch just like him. Amelia wanted to kill that thick headed man right now.

Poor puppy had first waited for his new owner to give him attention but when she didn't, he tried to got out of the box. He had a little difficulty since he was too small but he got out. Since then he had been running here and there to try to catch her attention.

She however, would only glare at him when his whines would get too much. He had tried to get on the bed too but it was too high for him. She had to admit, that she felt a little bad for him. He looked adorable jumping around the room. But the fact that her husband brought it for her, didn't let her take him in.

It had been four hours and the puppy was now hungry. He wanted food but Amelia didn't know what to do. She tried to pretend like she didn't care about him but she did. After all it was just an innocent little creature.


"May I come in?" Mrs. Diaz was at the door with Amelia's lunch meal. She wouldn't step out of the room so her meals were brought to her. After waiting for a minute and not getting a reply, Helen entered nonetheless. She knew that Amelia would never respond to her.

Amelia watched Helen with side eye as she arranged the dishes on the table. She turned to leave when she heard; "Helen!" She turned around to listen to her mam. She wasn't used to being called by her, unless she was really mad at her sir and would take her anger out at her by calling her names. She would also throw all the food dishes on the floor. But would have to eat nonetheless, since Ajax was very strict about her health.

"Do you need anything mam?" Helen asked.

"Take this thing with you" Amelia told her.

Helen saw the little puppy who had been whining and trying to get between her feet. He was a litlle pup, he just wanted attention, plus a little food. "My apologies mam but I can't take him out of the room. Only you can do that" She told Amelia.

Amelia rolled her eyes. It was her husband's way to get on her nerves. "At least give him some food. I'm tired of his whining and barking" She said trying to sound rude. She didn't want to show that she cared about him.

"Again my apologies mam, but you are his owner and only you can feed him" Helen respectfully told her. She placed a box of some kind of dog food on the carpeted floor along with a bowl. "I'm not gonna give him food. If anything, I'll throw him out of my room" Amelia gritted her teeth in anger. What kind of rubbish was that! She didn't want any of that stupid dog's responsibilities.

"No one else is allowed to tend to his needs" Helen said. She meant that the puppy would be starved anyway. "You are useless. Get out!" Amelia snarled. She hated that woman. Helen hurriedly left the room. Her mam was getting more and more scary day by day. At first she wouldn't talk to the servants but now she would release her anger at them.

Amelia glared at the puppy when he whined at her. "Starve!" She said and turned away.


It had been twenty minutes and the dog with the food was still there. Amelia was cursing Ajax. How could he starve an innocent puppy! If she hadn't broken the phone she would probably call him and give him a piece of her mind.

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