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Shnelle angrily walked through the corridors. She was going to give that fucker a piece of her mind today. Who did he think of himself?

Her lover!

A lethal one!

She was terrified of that man but enough was enough. Today, he beat another guy just because she sat with him. The poor guy had broken bones the very next hour.

Shnelle stopped in front of a door. She took a deep breath. It was his dorm! Usually she would be scared of coming anywhere near his den but today's event was too much. He almost killed an innocent boy. She couldn't have people dying just because he had some twisted obsession with her.

With the anger syrging in her veins, Shnelle knocked at the door. Without waiting for any reply, she barged inside.

There he was! Sitting on a chair, looking dangerously handsome. The room matched his personality with dark walls and dim light.

Shnelle ignored the dangerous ambiance and yelled; "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

Her claimed lover Ashwin Ryder came out of his slight initial shock of her presence. He slowly stood up and that was enough for Shnelle's courage to crumble. That guy easily towered over her with his large height and muscular body.

"Welcome little bird!" His voice held that sexy and husky appeal as usual.

He used to call her little bird for two reasons. First, because she would easily get scared of him like a baby bird and would always try to fly away from him. Second, because she would squeak and struggle like a little bird, whenever he would try to touch her.

Upon seeing that he ignored her question, her anger rose again; "Why did you do that?!" She yelled once again.

He on the other hand was lost in her beauty and the fact that she was actually standing in his room. "You look beautiful!"

"Answer me Ash!" She fisted her hands and gritted out.

The corner of his lips turned up in a small smirk. He loved to hear his name from her mouth.

"You hit an innocent boy again" She pressed at the matter on hand when she saw him staring at her without answering.

Lines formed on his forehead when she mentioned the pathetic fucker he had beaten in the morning because his girl decided to sit with him.

"You.sat.with.him" He said out each word in a dangerously low voice.

She gulped and tried to maintain her composure; "So what?" She asked but her question sparked his anger.

In a quick swift move, he reached her and pinned her to the door, closing it with a thud. She gasped and her eyes widened at their closed proximity.

"You.are.mine!" He gritted near her face.

A shiver ran down her spine. She was severely regretting her decision of coming to his room and confronting him. She knew what he could do. She must have been cautious.

"S-stay away!" She tried not to stutter but his dangerous aura always made her feel vulnerable. He was the bad boy of the college after all.

He smirked at the drastic change in her form. "Not so brave now, are we little bird?"

She put her hands on his sturdy chest and tried to push him away but it had never worked before, neither will it now. He was too strong for her to fight back.

He slowly ran his finger on the side of her cheek. "L-leave m-me" There it was! That tiny squeaking of a little bird. It made him want to do so many things to her fragile body.

She was trying her best to turn her face away from his touch but there was no space. He came near her face and told her in a rigid voice; "Never!" Her body trembled. What had she done! She had walked into the lion's den! How could she be so stupid!

She tried to bend and get out of the whirl of his arms around her to escape him but he tsked and held her upper arm, pulling her closer. She gasped loudly when her chest bumped with his.

"You came here on your own for the first time. Let me welcome you properly" Her eyes widened knowing his ways.

She shook her head but he narrowed his dark eyes and held her nape. Just as he attacked, she turned her face to the left and his lips landed on her soft cheek.

Her resistance irked him but he wasn't going to waste the chance of tormenting her poor cheek. He held her with her waist and pulled her even closer.

He kissed and smooched her cheek. She was constantly trying to push him away but it was of no use.

"S-stop!" She tried to tell him but had he ever listened to him. He had always done whatever he wanted with her.

Her breath hitched when his tongue darted out and licked her smooth skin. The very next moment, her mewling and squeaking filled the air. He was biting her poor cheek. He was like that. He would make use of whatever piece he would get of her.

"A-ash!" She stuttered with tears in her doe eyes when he left her poor skin. There were pink teeth marks now with her skin shining due to his saliva. The sight calmed his inner beast.

He held her nape and once again pulled her head near his face. Glancing at her plump lips, he looked in her tearful eyes. "Don't sit with another fucker again!"

The warning was clear in his tone. He was holding her in place. She couldn't move her head anymore. He was close! Way close! He could do anything to her, without her will. And if she dare defy his orders again, he wouldn't hesitate in forcing her.

"Little bird!"

The second he loosened his hold on her, she ran out of the dorm like a little lamb running for it's life.

He watched the now ajar door with evil eyes.

"Caged little bird!"


Word count: 1017

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