Chapter 27

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Warning: Abuse

Amelia slowly opened her eyes as she woke up. She frowned when she couldn't figure out why her body was hurting so much. She stared at the ceiling with half closed eyes, she was feeling cold which was strange. In past few days, she would always wake up feeling warm due to being pressed in Ajax's arms. She had always wondered about his body temperature; he had a really warm body.

She moved a little but lightly groaned when her muscles hurt. Glimpses of her escape and Ajax's cruel face slowly started coming to her mind. He had whipped her and hurt her bad. She was in her undergarments and was lying on the bed without covers. She sat up with some difficulty but was relieved to find out that he didn't ruin her completely.

She looked around the room and gasped when she found a figure sitting on the couch in the dark corner. Slight light was entering the room through the window. She knew it was him. Who else could it be? He would never allow some other male anywhere near her. He had a lit cigarette in his hand and was taking it's puffs.

She hurriedly covered herself with the sheets. She had no idea where had he thrown her torn clothes. Her heart beat at a fast pace. She could feel his hard gaze on her. She felt like running for the hills when he stood up. He took slow predatory steps towards her. She was rooted in her place due to his fear. He wasn't wearing a shirt and his black tattoos shined under the night light giving him a scarier look.

He stopped near the bed and raised his hand. She badly flinched when his finger tips lightly grazed her bruised face. She moved away a little when he sat on the bed. But a low fearful screams left her lips when he harshly pulled her on his lap and made her straddle him. Her body shook in fear when she came face to face with his hard gaze. He was glaring at her. His eyes looked murderous. She had never seen that look in his eyes.

He took a long drag of his cigarette and blew the smoke in her face. He liked the look of terror on her face. The way she flinched so badly at his single touch. The way her body trembled at his close proximity. He needed her that way. He wanted to install his fear so deep inside her that she would never think about disobeying him again.

She coughed and turned her face away when he blew the smoke in her face again. His jaw clenched. She screamed when he held her hair in his strong grip. He brought her face more close to his. He took a long drag of the cigarette and suddenly locked his lips with her's.

He squeezed her jaw open and blew the smoke in her mouth. He kept his lips on her's for few minutes, till the smoke completely entered her lungs. She wanted to resist but the pain in her body was telling her not to. He was angry and she couldn't take any more of his anger.

She coughed the moment he left her lips. He kept staring at her as she  coughed badly due to his acts. He took puffs of the cigarette almost enjoying her state. He held her jaw and his lips met her's again. Her insides filled with smoke when he blew in her open mouth. The strong scent of nicotine was filling her senses. He was taking her breaths away. She had never smoked before and Arnold had never done it in front of his daughters.

She coughed and leaned forward on his bare chest. She felt his strong arms around her body. May be it was over. May be he had felt pity on her and finished her punishment. A loud painful scream filled the quiet air of the dark room. It was Amelia. Ajax had pressed the burning end of the cigarette on the bare skin of her back.

She arched her back in an attempt to get away from the burning stick and met his hard chest. Tears filled her eyes due to the intense pain. The monster was still awake and was craving to punish her for escaping him. Another scream left her lips when the skin of her back burnt again. "I'm sorry!" The words hurriedly left her lips.

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